I killed a big spidergirl and a big lava hydra and a bunch of other crap but that area was a dead end, another one of those yellow fog gates.

Then I killed some giants and stuff at sen's fort, now I'm up to ornstein and smough. I guess this is the "end of tutorial boss" because it's much harder than the others. Every other boss you can just dodge and hit all day long and not even care.

I'm level 100 almost but I think I can't kill ornstein and smough, my friend said to get a good fire weapon and lighting weapon. I tried kiting orn around smo and it worked but the camera sucks, I dunno how console players feel about the camera system but I'm pretty sure 90% of the difficulty of the game is just from the camera system being terrible.

I don't have much to kill at the moment so maybe I should just farm to level 711 then fight. Probably would take a few days though.

Day 4 of darksouls begin!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I killed a big spidergirl and a big lava hydra and a bunch of other crap but that area was a dead end, another one of those yellow fog gates.

Then I killed some giants and stuff at sen's fort, now I'm up to ornstein and smough. I guess this is the "end of tutorial boss" because it's much harder than the others. Every other boss you can just dodge and hit all day long and not even care.

I'm level 100 almost but I think I can't kill ornstein and smough, my friend said to get a good fire weapon and lighting weapon. I tried kiting orn around smo and it worked but the camera sucks, I dunno how console players feel about the camera system but I'm pretty sure 90% of the difficulty of the game is just from the camera system being terrible.

I don't have much to kill at the moment so maybe I should just farm to level 711 then fight. Probably would take a few days though.

Day 4 of darksouls begin!

You are incredibly overleveled. Try taking out Orn first, supercharged smo is easier than supercharged orn.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

I don't have much to kill at the moment so maybe I should just farm to level 711 then fight. Probably would take a few days though.

Day 4 of darksouls begin!

711 level is going to take way more time.
That much you'll never get there.

I thought that the character im using now im going to stop on 125 lvl
because thats seems to be standard level for what people use in pvp.

My stats for now

Badass look. :p

I got addicted mainly to this heavy weapon and light armor.
Good damaging weapons and fast movement.

Still that Estoc +10 is just lovely with hornet ring.
Dem Parry, backstab damages.

And Estoc has this funny thing too that you can hit without lowering your shield.
So just stabby stab and keep your defense up as well.

Then parry spamming motherfuckers in pvp for huge damage.

The best moment i've had so far was when i invaded a guy in the darkroot forest.
After the gate wich you need to get that "thingy" to open it.

First as i spawned there i searched a while and found another dark spirit already battling with the host.
Instantly attacked that other invader and backstabbed the shit out of him.

Then some kind gestures with the host itself and we started battling.
It was damn even or well i kinda was winning all the time because he had to use Flasks again and again and
as dark spirit you can't use flasks.

Anyway after a while another invader came to there so things got complicated but ended on me killing the other invader too.
Then we fought to the end with the host and it was damn close fight but i won it eventually.

Feels good man.
Sorry for damn long boring text.

FUCK! Was afking in anor londo and got invaded and killed while writing this... -___-

And now im in Anor londo just chilling so come to invade and if you're lucky we might get into a fight. ;)
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 7, 2014 at 12:46 AM.

Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
You are incredibly overleveled. Try taking out Orn first, supercharged smo is easier than supercharged orn.

Can overleveled even be a thing in a non-linear game where you always have a choice between buying items / upgrades or leveling up?

My weapon at the moment is +4 dragon greatsword, and it seems Orn will dodge it almost every time. I can't get timing for parry right on his attacks (maybe they are unparryable) and since he has such a long range and quick frontswing animation he has such a high chance to dodge.

I think I'll try a faster weapon.
Originally Posted by Zapekk View Post
711 level is going to take way more time.
That much you'll never get there.

I thought that the character im using now im going to stop on 125 lvl
because thats seems to be standard level for what people use in pvp.

My stats for now

Badass look. :p

I got addicted mainly to this heavy weapon and light armor.
Good damaging weapons and fast movement.

Still that Estoc +10 is just lovely with hornet ring.
Dem Parry, backstab damages.

And Estoc has this funny thing too that you can hit without lowering your shield.
So just stabby stab and keep your defense up as well.

Then parry spamming motherfuckers in pvp for huge damage.

The best moment i've had so far was when i invaded a guy in the darkroot forest.
After the gate wich you need to get that "thingy" to open it.

First as i spawned there i searched a while and found another dark spirit already battling with the host.
Instantly attacked that other invader and backstabbed the shit out of him.

Then some kind gestures with the host itself and we started battling.
It was damn even or well i kinda was winning all the time because he had to use Flasks again and again and
as dark spirit you can't use flasks.

Anyway after a while another invader came to there so things got complicated but ended on me killing the other invader too.
Then we fought to the end with the host and it was damn close fight but i won it eventually.

Feels good man.
Sorry for damn long boring text.

FUCK! Was afking in anor londo and got invaded and killed while writing this... -___-

And now im in Anor londo just chilling so come to invade and if you're lucky we might get into a fight. ;)

50% of the time the people are easy kills in that forest, the other 50% I invade and there's 3 guys there waiting to gank (farming whatever drops invaders give). Pvp is laggy as fuck I don't think it's really viable. Just walking backwards blocking then they teleport behind you and crit, nice. Or you they are about to die then "disconnected from server", dat combat logging.

I don't usually use any armor in boss fights, I'm not sure how endurance works (because nothing ever tells you) but less things seems to make you faster, I usually just take a sword. So far none of the bosses have been blockable really, even with 40 endurance, a +5 tower shield and big heavy armour it doesn't seem like blocking is a good idea at all.

When I fought the big dog in the forest I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to get through the door and in to the room without getting hit by the first attack unless you have no armour. So yeah, armour seems only good for when you are lazy and just want to farm weak crap easily.

Our level difference is too much for us to fight
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Can overleveled even be a thing in a non-linear game where you always have a choice between buying items / upgrades or leveling up?

My weapon at the moment is +4 dragon greatsword, and it seems Orn will dodge it almost every time. I can't get timing for parry right on his attacks (maybe they are unparryable) and since he has such a long range and quick frontswing animation he has such a high chance to dodge.

I think I'll try a faster weapon.

50% of the time the people are easy kills in that forest, the other 50% I invade and there's 3 guys there waiting to gank (farming whatever drops invaders give). Pvp is laggy as fuck I don't think it's really viable. Just walking backwards blocking then they teleport behind you and crit, nice. Or you they are about to die then "disconnected from server", dat combat logging.

I don't usually use any armor in boss fights, I'm not sure how endurance works (because nothing ever tells you) but less things seems to make you faster, I usually just take a sword. So far none of the bosses have been blockable really, even with 40 endurance, a +5 tower shield and big heavy armour it doesn't seem like blocking is a good idea at all.

When I fought the big dog in the forest I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to get through the door and in to the room without getting hit by the first attack unless you have no armour. So yeah, armour seems only good for when you are lazy and just want to farm weak crap easily.

Our level difference is too much for us to fight

Endurance ofc gives you stamina and "equip load" that determites how you move.

Lets say your max equip load is 80.
When you 40 or less you will do fast rolls.
When it goes above that 40(50%) you will start to do fat rolls.

And for me PvP haven't been laggy.
Just invading peeps in forest.

I allways use Light armor myself.

What playtrough are you on btw?
Normal or NG+ or more?

Because i just some time ago beated Orn and smough alone. On lvl ~70
And it wasn't so hard.

And i read your post and don't say your using keyboard?
It takes all the fun out of this game.
Get a gamepad if you don't have.

EDIT: Now come to the darkroot forest. No matter what LvL i will be summoned to take you down.
Tho if you're in cat covenant then no.
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 7, 2014 at 12:12 PM.

Don't waste points on endurance, if you need to move fast with heavy armor or weapons, use Havel's Ring ;)
Blocking is only good if you have the Greatshield og Artorias. Make it from Sif's soul, and you've got the best shield in the game. Then I would suggest getting a 5+ Silver Knight Straightsword, this is the combination I used Vs. Artorias and both Ornstein and Smough, killing Smough first ;) Ps. Ornstein's gear is shit, even with his ring. Looks neat though.
Even as im using light armor i need some endurance as i wan't to use
Hornet ring and Dark wood grain ring.

And to dark wood grain ring to work you have to have less than 25% of the Equip load on use.

Fenris. Come to darkroot forest so i could have a chance of invading you.
And there are no level cap that i can possible invade. Anyone from lvl 0 to 711.

Sadly almost everyone i've encountered have been high as shit level.
Not too easy.
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 7, 2014 at 02:16 PM.

sl3 pc. hornet and dwgr. i just run around in velka set without head piece

seriously, armor is not required when you have dwgr. aaand. if you can parry, you don't need anything other than chaos rapier ( i use lightning anyway )
As far as I can tell you can only parry humanoid mobs, which is like half the game maybe.

I think parrying is nice and all but it's too slow you have to wait for them to attack. Some mobs are very defensive, isn't it better just to go for a backstab or just open with a charge attack?

I don't like playing slow just because it's easier...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff