Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Tell that faggot stellar to unban me from there anyway, I miss idling.

man, Stellar gets better every time I see his name
[19:49] <Yaksha____> so which yaksha is the real one?
[19:49] <~Yaksha> i am
[19:49] <Yaksha___> yeah, this is confusing
[19:50] <Yaksha_____> no you're not
[19:50] <Yaksha_____> I'm the real one
[19:50] <~Yaksha> no you're not
[19:50] <Yaksha____> no
[19:50] <Yaksha____> fuck you
[19:50] <~Yaksha> fucking liar
[19:50] <Yaksha__> i am
[19:50] <Yaksha____> I'm real
[19:50] <~Yaksha> n
[19:50] <~Yaksha> no
[19:50] <Yaksha__> this is going on the irc forum
[19:50] <Yaksha___> I have the smallest penis
[19:50] <~Yaksha> you are all lying sons of bitches
[19:50] <Yaksha___> so I am the real yaksha
[19:50] <Yaksha_____> my penis is twice as small!
[19:50] <~Yaksha> pro tip to self: don't make IRC pass same as Toribash password
[19:51] <Yaksha__> lol right
[19:51] <Yaksha____> I have a micropenis!
[19:51] <Yaksha___> no fuck you
[19:51] <Yaksha_____> to hacking me
[19:51] <Yaksha_____> goddamn
[19:51] <Yaksha__> i have the biggest dick so im the right one
[19:51] <~Yaksha> I too have a microscopic penis
[19:51] <Yaksha_____> stop hacking*
[19:51] <Yaksha____> fucking hackers
[19:51] <~Yaksha> why'd you hack me :<
[19:51] <Yaksha___>
[19:51] <~Yaksha> fuc hackers
[19:51] <~Yaksha> hacking me and shit
[19:51] <Yaksha_____> D:
[19:51] <Yaksha__> XD
[19:51] <Yaksha____> me no likey
[19:51] <Yaksha____>
[19:52] <Yaksha__> im enjoying myself
[19:52] <Yaksha___> ;(
[19:52] <~Yaksha> i don't like when hackers steal my itens
[19:52] <~Yaksha> and then post that i'm gay\
[19:52] <Yaksha_____> ;_;

"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
[00:40] == AzureMage [webchat@F51449BD.6B0801C3.F3F262BF.IP] has joined #phantom
[00:40] <%Hush> options in game
[00:40] <%Hush> omg
[00:40] <%Hush> the fuck
[00:40] <%Hush> its
[00:40] <%Hush> actually
[00:41] <%Hush> I refuse to believe it
[00:41] <AzureMage> Salutations to you as well Hush
[00:41] <AzureMage> and to you Drugged, Stellar
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
btw Azure, that quote by Stellar in my sig happened in that hour I mentioned here:

[01:43] <%Hush> I'm really glad you didn't come in here an hour ago
I'm kinda glad I didn't show up an hour ago now.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
We got ganked on that LoL.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
I got destroyed yesterday lol next time we shouldn't wait until 2am
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos

^ What I do to bears that try to gank me on HnH. >:|
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation