Originally Posted by toriabiz View Post
cnc my new avvy

Wow cool
but seriously, what are those random spots ?
Please bring back Organiζations board
ya itu buat nambah efek "lebay" seakan-akan dia lagi di luar angkasa.
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Originally Posted by toriabiz View Post
ya itu buat nambah efek "lebay" seakan-akan dia lagi di luar angkasa.

Jangan bintik-bintik kayak gitu
coba asap-asap atau cahaya biar lebih dramatis
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
How about my avvy?

I redo Francoise Nielly's unsold
painting and made it monochromic.

Here's the original one:

Oh, i love francoise works too
Anyway, that avvy lacks detailing
di bibir sama dimatanya itu kayak pake mask, lol
Please bring back Organiζations board
<--size fail.
what about that?
it's a greatsword. not literally.
Last edited by Sage; Jun 14, 2012 at 02:54 AM.
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Itu seharusnya semacam shade ya?
Jadi terlihat seperti Robin, lol.

What about my avy. :3

I thought you could not and do not make art ?
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
<--size fail.
what about that?
it's a sword.

It's a lance ? No, a rocket, No ! It's an umbrella ( lol, liat itu biru-birunya )
Please bring back Organiζations board