Originally Posted by Miku View Post
You just made a whole goddamn cnc about it then deleted it internet.. I saw it. You even disliked parts of it.

have you took any drugs today?
Originally Posted by Internet View Post
have you took any drugs today?

Meth isn't a fucking drug, you insolent worm.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
You had better be sorry, scum. I didn't fight in nam just to hear you fucking kids be so rude and disrespectful.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
Yeah, i did dislike some parts of it. I admit that some parts were good. if not just fabulous. But, No offence was intended. just like there was no offence in the refusal chaco gave me for my app. But we still got offended. Chaco just needs to live with the fact of me being different. because im not letting anyone push me around for being different anymore

I'd hate to argue more, but some things need to be resolved.

What does you being different have anything to do with this? I was unaware I was attempting to push you around.

"I cant help the fact of having depression. so fuck you."-" And you just act like a fucking child."

I'm acting like a child? By the way, depression can be helped, don't act like it controls you.

"Also if you want to kick me. go the fuck ahead. i really dont care. because i know that people are going to hate me."

That clan demotion. If you want to stay in a clan, I suggest not saying you don't care.
Chaco, i don't care. I got invited to several clans before i even thought of this one. But i still chose this clan. But if you guys want me to be gone just tell me and i will leave. There, then you wont have a depressed person bringing your members down.

Also chaco. ive had help for my depression, in the start it only made it worse. then it got better, then worse again. I Can't be helped. I Can only help myself, but i need to find out how i can do that before i do. Also, being different is why you dislike me. And no matter what you say, i know you dislike me. Throughout all the reasons people have given me about trying to cover up the dislike. yours was the worst. I havent brought anyone this clan down besides myself. so please stick to whatever the hell you do and leave me alone.
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
ive had help for my depression, in the start it only made it worse. then it got better, then worse again. I Can't be helped. I Can only help myself, but i need to find out how i can do that before i do.

That statement is very.................

I realize it's not fair to use this particular post for an example, it being a response to Chaco, but even excluding this post, the amount of times you bring up your problems when no-one is asking is a bit much.
You seem to want to tell people with whatever chance you get
"Hey look at how different and sad I am really closely but don't judge me I don't care" is the vibe I get from you.
You victimize yourself, a lot. No-one is going out of their way to make fun of you, you're just great at bringing attention to yourself and then wondering why people "push you around".
Sorry if this is a lot of random shit, but this is just my inference of my observations thus far.
Last edited by THIGGIST; Oct 14, 2013 at 08:29 AM.
Coming from a dude who wets the bed, Thiggist, everything that you said means almost nothing. You should just leave. Your replays are simple.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420