Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It's alright.
Should've put more effort into my app.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keIOUNr_PAM
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Yes to applicants.

They were already accepted.

You probably didn't read the first post like you should have, which clearly says you need four yeses or four noes to be accepted or rejected, respectively.
Name(real, you may use your first or full): Leonardo
Age: 16
Talents(doesn't have to relate to Toribash): Make textures. Hosting events, and i dont know. :/
Forum/IRC/In-game Activity: Forum: 10 / Irc: 9 / In-game: 7
Which branch you would like to join: Army
Who invited you(if anyone did): Zalmoxis

How i say my name is Leonardo, i live in Brazil, 16 years old.
Play toribash have 1 year.
Zalmoxis invited me to join TAF. He say you guys need more actives members here.
I would like to join TAF cause this is a nice and active org, with nice members, and i have some friends here.
