Very nice game, even though I wasn't good... lol.

Godt gået shook!

Hvornår tror du at den næste demo kommer? Ikke for at stresse dig eller noget.
Looks very promising.
Good job on that, downloading now.

I wish you the best of luck to be a Game Developer later on. ;o
See you in 20 years with COD: MW 7

Very nice game indeed.
I like the Sound effects, they're nice and the soundtrack's quite epic.
But man. That sure is a hard boss!

I'd love to see a difficulty option.
So far very nice game.
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jul 3, 2010 at 08:20 PM.
Thanks a lot.
You'll see a difficulty option later, don't worry. Also, you're currently not properly equipped to deal with the boss. The shop will take a while to implement (lots of sprites and coding), but once i do, the fight should be a tad easier.

@pleasu: Glem ikke oversættelsen for dem der ikke kan forstå dansk. :U (Don't forget the translation for those who can't understand Danish)
The next demo will be in... Uhh... I dunno. The shop is a daunting task (upgrades galore), so it will either be before July 8th or after July 25th. Why the gap? Because i'm in Spain from the 8th to the 25th, and i can't really do any development there. :U

Meanwhile, i've added LAZER TRAILS PEW PEW PEW

You don't notice them being off center in game. Also, they make the bossfight a lot cooler.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
pleasu here.

Sorry, I couldn't be bothered to translate...

Anyway, maybe you could make something where you could turn off the music/sounds and turn down and up.
you mean an options screen? that would be nice

and as for the progress bar, try measuring the time it takes to complete a level (if speed stays constant) and make a line lead by a ship that progresses along at a constant rate for as long as the level goes
shook nice new improvement
also waht boss are you talking about ?a new one?
oh any way to pause the game or you didnt add it yet?
Last edited by Ghiita; Jul 4, 2010 at 05:49 PM.
Also, i'm talking about the current boss. Due to the lack of shop and leveling up, the boss is more than one tier above you, especially when the big lasers have had a bit of randomness introduced in their firing. As it is now, the players hitbox is just small enough to go in between both big lasers, though this is a very risky tactic, as it exposes you to the full brunt of the autotracking lasers for a while. Though the small lasers won't kill you as quickly as the big ones, they most certainly will destroy you before you destroy the boss. The damage is something like 15 per second out of your 100, and you currently deal 10.5 per second out of its 80.


Of course i started rambling again. Anyways there will be a pause button in the next demo.

@Infern0o: Sounds like a decent idea. The problem, however, is that some levels will take longer than others. Right now, level 3 takes longer than level 1, because there are turrets at the end of the level, which will postpone the score tally till they are destroyed.

@Xilitor: Though i can't possibly see why anyone would want to disable that sweet music, i'll make an options screen like that if possible. But only if there is an easy way.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
See the FAQ i just added in the first post. :U

@Ghiita: Aye, the boss was a pushover in the first two demos, but from the third demo and onwards it received a BIG upgrade, namely its autotracking lasers. It still has a weakness, but it's much harder to exploit. :>
Also, the fifth demo will come with yet another upgrade for the boss, which is simply a bit of randomness in the firing of the big lasers. Previously, there was this rhythm that you could follow and thus potentially defeat the boss without taking a hit (it's possible but really really hard), which was due to the constant rate of fire for the big lasers. With a somewhat random interval between firing, you have to depend more on your reflexes to avoid the big lasers, which is notably harder than following a rhythm.


<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol