gold phone ... eated by godly akuma.

THE END! ( its page 10 ^^ )
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
red blue or black wot?

starting a new story on a new post
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
just make them up, its not a big deal. i think xhiba wants purple, ong wants pink, takuan wants yellow and war wants turquoise xD
once upon a time there
wrong guy invadin on wrong board
wrote to many words
and then fall a sleep
was a preety knight
named OngBash the first
and last toribash knight
NBLXBA the seventh met
Drunken monk Takuan who
drank 8 bottles of
pure spirytus 99% and
ate a hall bag of
prawn crackers. The phone
rang and it was
wrong number wich wanted
to know exactly how
to fire machinegun cat
at Ronald McDonald, but
akumabeast ate the phone
and told everyone that
he loves chocolate phones
unfortunatly the phone was
from pure gold and
Akuma turned into Jezus
and became a god
Unfortunatly, his powers were.
taken by the ldr
of world, Barack Obama
He wanted revenge so
he bought all the
chocolate phones to
power up his godly
powers by eatin a
shit load of phones
and killing George Bush
with a giant hamster
and became god again
Ongbash saw this and
went to the store
to buy more weed
and to order chinese
trucks to akuma`s house
up in the deadly
seven`s street num 4
in South Africa. A
fighter called WarMedic saw
Ongbash drinking liqour to
get to Drunken Master
level so he can
fight more with less
and ignore hospital bills
He was in R.A.G.E
when he found out
R.A.G.E actully stands for
Riding Acro Gays Entertainment
TM^^, and had a
nervous breakdown with cheese
imported from itally which
was stolen from france
By a small mexican
homosexual. OngBash was on
an airplane to japan
but it crashed near
Windsor castle. The queen
found him when he
found him when he
searchin for gold phones
And sell them for
nothing, they are power
to call friends for
tribute to akuma's ritual
planting weed on rooftops
because jorrel
Needs xtra $$$ for
humans to akuma's ritual
a lapdance and whipcream
with some hot choclate
inside a big fire
with 20 litle midgets
dancing and burning around
lickin choclate out of
not what you thought
and start runnin to
...wards the next whorehouse
wich was a gold phone
eated by godly akuma.