Reason: im takin' a vacetion with one of mah freinds:3

How long (if going inactive):uhh.. uhmm.. leik 10 days or something :L

Resigning or going Inactive: :L mann.. read up there^ and btw why do you have to answar
^this question lel?^
Reason: I am going on a trip with family.

How long (if going inactive): around 7 days

Resigning or going Inactive: Going Inactive
> Piratez
reason: going on those nasty summer vacations

how long: for leik uhmm, 10 days>:

Resigning or going Inactive: of cause im going inactive
Reason: My toribash isn't working here.

How long (if going inactive): Until I fix it, or if some1 knows how to help me, please post here

Resigning or going Inactive:
Inactive, but I'll continue in the forum.
Last edited by Fuuken; Jul 12, 2010 at 06:57 AM. Reason: Bold =)
Reason:Getting upset with some shits that are happening here

How long (if going inactive):

Resigning or going Inactive:Resigning
So long buddys
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
When i said shit happening i didn't mean here in the clan, i meant here in my house dude. so don't be angry and i sold YouDown, i will be using this account for now
Gonna be inactive for a while, somethings up with my computer and it no longer opens up TB. I don't know how long it will be till I am back in-game but it could be a while.
Well, I'm gonna be gone for a week, whether I'm in or not. ;-;

Reason: A camping trip at an inconvenient time.

How long (if going inactive): A week.

Resigning or going Inactive:
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin