Endurance Onslaught 6.0
he voted no because he doubted your loyalty to the clan...
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Can't blame him,I did quit/get kicked from 3 clans this month.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
In-Game Name:flech
Belt/Qi:2nd dan,2131
Reference(s):no one just looks like a good clan
Join Date:december 2008
GMT (TimeZone)-pacific
Preferred modes:judo,akido,wushu
Previous clans- DR,volt,MFR
Why do you want to join:because i looked at the clan board and it looked well made and in order.
Why should we let you join:ill be loyal and im a very active member
Ban history:1 ban for clan invasion..i was new and didnt know you can get banned
Others:im very active on forums
Last edited by flech; Aug 26, 2009 at 06:02 PM.
Masterbation...a great time killer
maybe i dont like your clan history i like ur post count and u seem active
<retret>kicks alert in the vaga <alert242>gg <retret>gg <alert242>actually i prefer dicks and fingers
What loje said. Post some replays. MP and SP.

I added 3 new requirements.
References from a Pandora member(s)
References from a notable player(s)
Also I added that applicants must write a paragraph about their personality.
This might help filter out some of the dickheads in the community.
Originally Posted by flech View Post
In-Game Name:flech
Belt/Qi:2nd dan,2131
Reference(s):no one just looks like a good clan
Join Date:december 2008
GMT (TimeZone)-pacific
Preferred modes:judo,akido,wushu
Previous clans- DR,volt,MFR
Why do you want to join:because i looked at the clan board and it looked well made and in order.
Why should we let you join:ill be loyal and im a very active member
Ban history:1 ban for clan invasion..i was new and didnt know you can get banned
Others:im very active on forums

Eh, MFR. No from me. You use false grammar, incorrect punctuations, and sort of flammed me or something. And you don't even use the space button for every new sentence or pause you make.
master of the universe
Sid came from MFR. The grammar is a let down though. So hurry up and post some replays or I'm thinking most people will vote no like Ard.
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
Sid came from MFR. The grammar is a let down though. So hurry up and post some replays or I'm thinking most people will vote no like Ard.

What makes me vote yes is the reputation ingame and on the forums. And flech is like a douche, he doesn't have that much respect to most people. (Don't ask)

I wouldn't want to have someone with a really bad reputation like nnaass, smile2, etc. it will make us feel more like a disrespected clan.
master of the universe
my vote is no also same reason as ardgevalds and because i really dont like u you are so annoying ingame
<retret>kicks alert in the vaga <alert242>gg <retret>gg <alert242>actually i prefer dicks and fingers