Originally Posted by guitarookid View Post
I de-noobified my head a little, so I decided to celebrate by posting a picture of both my new head, and my Raider Force+Neptune Relax combination.

:o hawt
But again, it's too big :|
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
Oh yea, what's the rank after Blood?

Blood Elite.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Imho the ranks aren't needed.
Imho we all are equal in this clan.
Imho ranks should be removed. Opinions?

Well, Idk. Also we aren't equal but we know who is who without ranks. So yea, lets remove them.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Imho the ranks aren't needed.
Imho we all are equal in this clan.
Imho ranks should be removed. Opinions?

Agree, there's no need for ranks, but just make the list like this:

blah blah blaa...


So that visitors know who is who.