Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I don't need people to boost my self-confidence, dats for nubs. And watching my own replays makes me hard.

I just know am da besterest of dem all, I don't lower myself to play abd, it's 2 ez.
arglax I dont acknowledge your claim because instead of proving it you stand back and let a few fags kiss your arse.
culapou is just too good, everybody else sucks compared to him. So you all might as well say you suck. Give it up now...
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
probably one of the greatests of all time

Dam dud. We (the Toribash community) totalli worship u, culapou, as da bestest best best player of Toribash. U r bester than allll the bestest best bests.

Originally Posted by Beta View Post
culapou is just too good, everybody else sucks compared to him. So you all might as well say you suck. Give it up now...

U r sooo right (left), we should allll give up. It is pointless 2 try gainst culapou, cos he iz da bestest best best, and he knows it.

Hav gud dae.
The reason i quit playing tb is because of the one fateful day I fought Arglax....

I remember that fateful day well. Every single detail is etched into my memory like some sort of sick joke played by god. Everything on either side of that day by more than a month is a complete blur but I remember waking up that day with crisp clarity.
For some reason I was happy waking up that morning. Whatever the reason for that was was, it must have been pretty good because I don't usually enjoy waking up before noon. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and everything looked perfect. The calm before the storm. I should have known what I had then and not taken it for granted, but alas, the past has 20/20 vision and in my wildest dreams I couldn't have predicted what would happen that day.
Walking to class was another crystal clear memory. As if in slow motion, the birds flew by without a worry in the world, besides starving of course. That day in class we were learning about computer architecture, specifically registers. The class didn't go on for very long and it was the only one I had that day since the day in question was a wednesday and university finished early on a wednesdays for sports clubs. After playing the usual sports I left eagerly back to my room. If only someone from the future had come around and told me exactly what was to happen in the next few hours, I would have ran away. Far far away.

Let's set the scene. After getting back to my room, booting up the computer and starting toribash, I had a quick meal and a nice refreshing drink of orange juice. So there I am, in my room sitting on my seat, in front of my computer with toribash loaded up. Today was the day. The day I would be able to prove to everyone once and for all that I was the best player in the entire toriverse. Having gone through numerous gruelling challenges and having beaten countless challengers I worked my way up the ranks just for this day. They threw almost everything they had at me and I had defiantly come through on the other end having passed all their tests with flying colours. They couldn't think of anything harder to ask me to do. There was no choice but to grant me a chance to challenge Arglax.

After my meal and some quick practice on tb the relative parties were told that it was time for the challenge to begin. The time had come. I would defeat Arglax and become the undeniable champion of toribash. Oh how cocky I was. The people who have yet to face the almighty Arglax always are. In all my previous matches I was sure in my ability to win and win I did with frightening dominance. If not decisively, at least by a decent margin.
The challenge in question was a best of 99 match, the biggest amount of matches I was to play by far. I guess if you challenge the champion you have to be able to handle a simple thing like 99 matches.

Before beginning, he asked me "Are you sure you want to do this Text. Once you start this your life will never be the same, and there's no rewinding time." I see now that he was only looking out for my best interests.
If I had a time machine with only one use, I wouldn't go back to kill hitler or do anything that altruistic. I would go back and convince myself that being second best was good enough. Maybe my life would be completely different if I had quit there and then. But of course with all the arrogance that comes with ignorace, I denied his gracious offer to walk away. I thought it was a sign of his weakness much as the Japanese thought the American's offer for them to surrender, before the dropping of the nuclear bombs, was a sign of weakness.

We started the first match. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who want to know what happened during this match but it's too traumatic and i don't think I'll ever be able to talk about it to anyone. Suffice to say when he slammed me to the ground, the pwnage was so hard that it trancended mere digital realms and escaped into the real world. I blacked out and was in hospital for over a month. When I did make it back with the help of some amazing doctors and extensive therapy, I wasn't able to play toribash with any semblance of skill. I still can't.

I wish I had never challenged arglax, but I can see without any doubt, that he is a toribash diety amongst us mere mortals. We might fight and jostle for rank but he is secure in his utter dominance of anything and everything. Take my advice. Don't challenge arglax. You'll regret it very much if you do.

Last edited by Text; Aug 5, 2013 at 04:06 PM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Originally Posted by Dikarika View Post

Shall we use win percentage?

why is yours only 58%?
all matches befor a certain date were counted as wins, would have thought you had atleast 80%

in 2007-2008 I would have considered myself top 10 in judo, aikido, kickbox and freestyle
but I dont think I would have featured in anything since then.
Ive had good performances in clan champs over the years, atleast in the games ive participated in.
won both my matches against spirit in the 2009 champs finals, won 2 out of 4 of my games against Alpha in 2010, and won all my matches in 2012 clan champs
but I felt like I was just trolling those games, no one knew what to do or my winning was just pure luck.

never got into replay making, or sparring or parkour or any of that shit.
my ability in all those mobile mods is shit. eg: wushu and lenshu
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I'd say I'm pretty bad. Meh. Comes with not hugely caring I suppose, lack of care, lack of drive to be better

Originally Posted by iLiltay View Post
Huck, aj and kris are all dead, but there is still one left in abd so you cant call yourself the best.

There's still one left. It's not you. He's called Arglax.

Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
I find it incredibly surprising that Arglax's single-player skills haven't been mentioned yet.
Hell, the only reason he isn't in the default replay folder is because of the last time he pwnd hampa in-game so hard.

Agreed, no-one can even slightly compare.

Originally Posted by iLiltay View Post
arglax I dont acknowledge your claim because instead of proving it you stand back and let a few fags kiss your arse.

No fags, all of these people are well established members of the community providing solid personal experience and accounts of Arglax destroying everyone ingame - myself included.
In Taekkyon, I've never dm'd Arglax, but he's dm'd every joint of mine at least a billion times.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.