Editz u suck, no one even likes z's so come back when u get a name change to edits.

My opinion doesn't matter, and you are a good guy so I am sure you will get in.
Editz! ^-^

I'm positive you will be accepted, so in advanced, welcome.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I already accepted you both in the room, but here's another welcome ! Nice to have you both here.


Also i overworked the application form a little, since some of those points were pretty useless (Thanks to the "suggestions" of Colossus here).
It's a bit more based on personal information now, since we just want to get known a little bit to the people.

That's the new application form :


To join the RK-MMA Organisation you'll have to fill out this application form :

(Nick)name :
Age :
Why do you want to join? :
Why do you like rk-mma.tbm? :
An own rating of your skill (1-10) :
3 replays of you in rk-mma.tbm (not needed, but highly recommended) :

Of course free forms are allowed and appreciated aswell.
Last edited by Destram; Apr 13, 2014 at 12:19 AM.
(Nick)name : Jack
Age : 14
Why do you want to join? : My favorite mod is RK.... pretty much all I play.
Why do you like rk-mma.tbm? : The no grab feature and having to counter and comback.
An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8
3 replays of you in rk-mma.tbm (not needed, but highly recommended) : I think this is not needed as I am very well known in rk.
Originally Posted by killer3366 View Post
i would suggest kicking clown. you don't want to be associated with duel scammers.

Were you the one who he scammed?
Master of the arcane arts
Spreading lies there Killer?

Didn't try to scam you kid, you ragequit after losing and left.

Just happens that you can leave during a replay and not get penalized for it.

So instead of finishing the rookie mod soap banned me on the spot with out giving me the chance to send or even finish the duel .
Please for gods sake don't discuss this here, i don't want this rubbish in our thread. I will talk with Viper about that.

Also Ocean would be nice to have you here, you are accepted of course.
Last edited by Destram; Apr 13, 2014 at 12:33 PM.
An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 7

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : Around 7-8

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : hmm, around 7

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : I give myself a 7

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 7

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8.5

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : About a 7

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 9

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : About 8

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8.5

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 9

An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 8