Trying to get colours, huh? It's not like his moveset is actually that strong, there's just nothing you can do about him reading your mind.
collect snots from the nose
It also don't help that sim has no options when bison starts slamming his nuts in your face other than panic jab mash after any of his flips and pray to god that he doesn't activate his v-trigger and start spamming stomp.

because he's done that 3 times now upon reaching him, and it's getting old fast.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah, I know your pain. It gets harder when you're playing characters you're not comfortable with too (obviously). I've been consistently able to get to Bison 3 times now with my D tier Necalli only to get absolutely SMASH 4 combo'd from one side of the screen to the other. The furthest I've gotten in hard with Dhalsim is around 25 or something, not sure if it's even worth trying to get the god tier colours that unlock at 50.
The problem for sim is that bison is literally one of the worst possible matchups for him. Your best bet is to fuck up his charge by doing the instant air teleports to switch sides and do air h. punch, back medium kick, yoga flame in hopes that he didn't jab you out or just preemptively psycho inferno you. Or the aforementioned panic jabs when he does something unsafe and be spot on with your ex-yoga flame to end those panic jabs.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I dunno man. Like I said, I kind of like the really aggressive dudes that try and rush you down because you can just MK, MP, cr. MP or bk. MP all their ways in with relative ease. It's the guys that get the life lead then turn into fucking Havel the Rock and block all my tricksy stuff that really show me up in ranked. That said, I got some good practice in with Faint yesterday and I think I made a lot of progress in that regard. I have to iron slides out of my game - they're unsafe as a general rule of thumb unless you're feeling fireball pressure and I don't teleport often enough in the right ways to make it so my setups aren't readable after round 1.

Slides are unsafe unless you incorporate spacing. Plus crouching medium kick is one of the best ways to setup v-trigger.

Crouching heavy kick isn't bad either as an anti-fireball if you want to get a crush counter to setup for a fireball crossup.

sim is still keepaway, but he has enough tools now to incorporate some silly rushdown-esque shenanigans, which helps since his v-trigger is most effective if you've almost put them into the corner. slides are an important part of it, since they're typically good for, in order of light to heavy, positioning against jump ins, setting up the v-trigger, and anti-fireball crush counters.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I agree completely, slides are great tools in his kit but I was using them faaar too often. I was way more predictable and I'd say it was mostly the reason I was losing against players I felt like I should have beaten. I've been practicing quick teleports off of pokes and other nonsense in casual/ranked and I've been stunning most of my opponents thus far. My real enemy seems to be the roll-back issue with the netcode - Dhalsim is legitimately unplayable when you're on a shaky connection. You just can't go ham on face retarded with thoughtless rushdown the same way the rest of the cast can when that shit happens.
Thinking of doing a SFV tournament like we did for USF:IV, any takers? Likely be a "enter with 3 characters" scenario or a "pick who you want" thing in a best of 3 where losers can swap characters.
collect snots from the nose