Endurance Onslaught 6.0
People are people, we are made up of the same organs and all require the same sustinence to live.

I think discriminating against anyone because of their appearance is wrong, you should judge people on their personality, actions and mannerism's, They did not wake up and decide to have coloured skin one day just to offend the small minded people of the world.

As for same sex couples getting wed, It should be their choice to make.People will fall for who they fall for, And I doubt they would get in to a relationship with somebody of the same sex just to piss simpletons off .

They do it for love of each other and it should not be anybody elses choice of what they do but theirs, It is basically a massive breach of basic human rights and I am unsure why people in power are allowed to continue this biggoted practice.

Also In a world obsessed with keeping overpopulation down, why do the governments look down on this? if they are same sex they cannot conceive a child, So they then look to adopt and give kids with nothing a loving home... how can being homosexual do any kind of harm to anything?
And If anyone brings aids in to this I would like you to remember that Aids is a man made disease created by the so called land of the free.

We should be evolving and adapting with the world not sending it back in the dark ages, Hardship is required to evolve though and unfortunately humans have made the world so easy to live in with all the tech and devices to aid you in your everyday life that we have no need to further evolve and I believe this will be each and every one of us's downfall.

It will not matter about the colour of your skin, your religion or your choice of mate when the end of the world comes, We will all be fighting the same fight to survive, Thats if what we face is even possible to survive.
- Blu -
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

"A law" is not the same as "the law". "A law" is a rule, "the law" is a framework. This is a non-trivial difference.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Since you've said that the Constitution is not a set of laws, I would like you to confirm on the record that soldiers can commandeer your home, you are not entitled to a trial if arrested, you can keep slaves, and the government can deny blacks and women from voting. Unless you meant to say that the constitution as a whole is "the law" but is composed of "a laws".

There is the chronology of the two quotes in question. There is no answer to my reply yet. That is what I want.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

Like I said, there's a whole process that needs to happen in order to send her to prison. The short of it is that she needs to be impeached because that's how elected officials work and it's dumb. Order doesn't matter. She can either be impeached then imprisoned or imprisoned then impeached. But she wasn't at all because no one wanted to do all of that work, so they instead just changed the marriage license forms and told her to not get in the way in the future. There will be a general assembly in about three months and there will probably be a discussion about what to do with her then.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
White Americans are 77.7% of the USA so yeah it's white nation (which you might expect from a nation settled by Europeans, but whatever).

You're getting caught up on the difference between having a nation that is predominantly one thing, and declaring a nation that thing. Just for reference, what's your line where you stop saying that a certain race or religion is in the majority, and start declaring that it is a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc. nation?

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Yeah sure, "In God We Trust" refers to Allah I'm sure... lol

It was probably not the intention no, but it is certainly not excluding him. Even with just having "God" in there it includes a bunch of (mostly) Judeo-Christian religions.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Because you weren't making a point, you were just babbling about this and constructing oh so strong strawmen.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
We are talking about same-sex marriage in the US. Not same-sex marriage in Spain or England. going abroad (there, better now?) and getting married in England is not an option for a few reasons, the most notable of which was that before same-sex marriage was legalized in the US, a marriage performed in another country that did not conform to the US definition of marriage was not considered valid, and the couple was not eligible for the benefits that come from being married.

In your blind mockery of my choice of words, you seem to have forgotten that there is an actual discussion going on. Granted, this was part of that trollfest where you decided to avoid everyone's valid points by creating the longest strawman in the history of Discussion.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

Firstly, heterosexuals and homosexuals DID NOT have separate laws, as previously discussed THERE WERE NO MARRIAGE LAWS REGARDING SEXUALITY.

Look at that strawman right there. I'm not arguing that sexuality made a difference in regard to marriage laws. I am arguing that gays could not marry who they wanted in the US until last month.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Secondly, no, just no, "heteros had the right to marry whoever they wanted, while homosexuals did not" ? ? ? No, this isn't true at all.

I'm gon' need summa dat sauce. Straight people had every right to marry the person that they loved, just so long as the other person consented. Up until last month, they had two options: not be married, or move to a state that recognized their marriage.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Lol let's ignore that little strawman at the end
and talk about how building a church is an imposition. Firstly you see the church, the church is a symbol of the religion's power, you can hear singing and sermons from it. It attracts people of that religion, and attempts to convert people, most (Christian) churches aim to convert children too. If you dislike Christianity then a church is a direct threat. Once a church is built you can expect increased numbers of Christians in the local area.

Like I said, things don't exist in a vacuum, just saying "how could it possibly affect you" without even stopping to think is not a good move.

As I said before, just having something exist is not an imposition. I'm not sure what churches you have down under, but all of the churches here have really good soundproofing because they know that some people in the neighborhood might not want to hear 300 people singing at 8am. There might be laws about it too, not sure. As for the conversion, I have met exactly two Christians who actively try to convert me, my parents. Every other door-to-door evangelist or other person who asks if I want a mini-Psalms bible is really polite and not pushy when I turn them down. It's the same principle of the neighborhood twelve-year-old asking if he can mow your lawn, or the college students giving out flyers for their house painting business. These are not impositions. Nothing is being forced upon you.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Do you think this situation arrived with no influence by gay lobbyists etc? lol.

The lobbyists you speak of are only organizations that advocate for the rights of LGBT people. Some of them are crazy though. This situation mostly came about because of the Obergefell v. Hodges lawsuit. The short of it is that Obergefell wanted to be recognized as a widower to his husband in Ohio, and Ohio's court of appeals decision caused a split, which made the federal Supreme court take a look at what all the ruckus was.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Lol why would I elaborate on something I never said? Again strawman and strawman :^)

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
No, as above, my argument is that it does harm

Please, tell me more about how you never said that gay marriage was a bad thing. Also I'm just using the same type of logic you used before. Can't criticize me without also saying you were in the wrong.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
if we invert the statement then "legalizing gay marriage means that keeping religion is a good thing"?? in the HAD are religious extremists pro-homo? What the heck is going on..! I guess in the HAD the Taliban are the most progressive nation of the last century, so anything's possible?!?

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If you want to reduce this to gays vs Christians then I think Christians have an edge, being that there's a lot more Christians than gays and that they have been around a lot longer.

It's not just Christians though. It's Christians that want to ban same-sex marriage. Looking at all of the polls conducted about same-sex marriage, every single one of them after 2011 show at least a simple majority, and the 2011 poll that broke the record was 45%|46%. If the US is 78% Christian, that means that on average, 2/3 of those polled in favor of same-sex marriage were Christians.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
No I didn't say that, what I said was 'It's pointless on every level - apart from the "feelings of homosexuals who want to get married and liberals who want to showcase just how tolerant they are" level.'

Politics isn't just showing off. It seems like there's some drama going on between Turnbull and Abbott down there, so you may have forgotten that.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Nonsense, even if I accept your premise then the logic you use is tenuous at best.

Firstly you assume that abolishment of Religion would actually do anything positive. Secondly you assume there isn't 1000 things more important than abolishing religion.

Religion is strangling the progress of science, so getting rid of religion would help with all of the science related things on the list. Religion is also the cause of that goatfuck in the middle east, so it would also really help towards solving that. And of course it would remove pretty much any argument against same-sex marriage. While that's not a priority for you, it is a nice bonus. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a couple more reasons why getting rid of religion is the first thing on that list.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
There is the chronology of the two quotes in question. There is no answer to my reply yet. That is what I want.

lol read my post again mate, I'm not sure what you thought I was saying but it should be obvious that the answer to your post is the post you were replying to.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Like I said, there's a whole process that needs to happen in order to send her to prison. The short of it is that she needs to be impeached because that's how elected officials work and it's dumb. Order doesn't matter. She can either be impeached then imprisoned or imprisoned then impeached. But she wasn't at all because no one wanted to do all of that work, so they instead just changed the marriage license forms and told her to not get in the way in the future. There will be a general assembly in about three months and there will probably be a discussion about what to do with her then.

Oh ok

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
You're getting caught up on the difference between having a nation that is predominantly one thing, and declaring a nation that thing. Just for reference, what's your line where you stop saying that a certain race or religion is in the majority, and start declaring that it is a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc. nation?

I think the definition of "majority" should clarify that one.

Just FYI, USA is 70% Christian, 23% non-religious, and the next highest is 2% Judaism. There is absolutely no contest here.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
It was probably not the intention no, but it is certainly not excluding him. Even with just having "God" in there it includes a bunch of (mostly) Judeo-Christian religions.

Lol no, it refers exclusively to Yahweh, saying anything else is simply a modern (and unnecessarily liberal) interpretation.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
In your blind mockery of my choice of words, you seem to have forgotten that there is an actual discussion going on. Granted, this was part of that trollfest where you decided to avoid everyone's valid points by creating the longest strawman in the history of Discussion.

Tbh simply not true, the USA hasn't existed for thousands of years in the first place, so I don't know how the discussion of marriage thousands of years ago has merged into "ONLY THE USA".

It's a complete nonsense argument.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Look at that strawman right there. I'm not arguing that sexuality made a difference in regard to marriage laws. I am arguing that gays could not marry who they wanted in the US until last month.

"The point is that heteros had the right to marry whoever they wanted, while homosexuals did not."

I dunno why you keep talking about sexuality when you aren't talking about sexuality then lol. Zoophiles/weebs can't marry whoever they want either, oh yeah because marrying animals/anime isn't a thing, imagine that!

Another nonsense argument.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I'm gon' need summa dat sauce. Straight people had every right to marry the person that they loved, just so long as the other person consented. Up until last month, they had two options: not be married, or move to a state that recognized their marriage.

For the umpteenth time, this simply isn't true, this is outright lies. There was no sexuality checks in any marriage department anywhere in the world, there has been absolutely no proof that this ever happened.

Can we seriously just stop with this meme? Heterosexuals and homosexuals have ALWAYS had equal marriage rights. That's a fact, and tbh unless someone can bring up even a shred of proof beyond "no but I think homos are being repressed" then I'm not going to continue discussing it.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
The lobbyists you speak of are only organizations that advocate for the rights of LGBT people.

I'm sure LGBT lobbyists have nothing to do with gay agenda, you're 100% right, LGBT stands for what? Lawn, Gardening, Botany and Trees? Yeah those are the guys who want to have more botanical gardens and preserve rare species of orchids. They surely have no gay agenda.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Please, tell me more about how you never said that gay marriage was a bad thing. Also I'm just using the same type of logic you used before. Can't criticize me without also saying you were in the wrong.

Hm, well, I never said gay marriage was a bad thing so I never said gay marriage was a bad thing............................................. ...........................................

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
It's not just Christians though. It's Christians that want to ban same-sex marriage. Looking at all of the polls conducted about same-sex marriage, every single one of them after 2011 show at least a simple majority, and the 2011 poll that broke the record was 45%|46%. If the US is 78% Christian, that means that on average, 2/3 of those polled in favor of same-sex marriage were Christians.

You think it has anything to do with those orchid people who will bully anyone who disagrees with their agenda? Surely not.

Doesn't really change the fact that "If you want to reduce this to gays vs Christians then I think Christians have an edge, being that there's a lot more Christians than gays and that they have been around a lot longer." though so not sure why you brought it up.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Politics isn't just showing off. It seems like there's some drama going on between Turnbull and Abbott down there, so you may have forgotten that.

Great argument, compelling logic, 10/10 I am convinced

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Religion is strangling the progress of science, so getting rid of religion would help with all of the science related things on the list. Religion is also the cause of that goatfuck in the middle east, so it would also really help towards solving that. And of course it would remove pretty much any argument against same-sex marriage. While that's not a priority for you, it is a nice bonus. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a couple more reasons why getting rid of religion is the first thing on that list.

Not sure who told you all that, but I'm not sure that any of it is true.

When was the last time any denomination even disagreed with any science? Did they disagree with NASA's findings on Enceladus? Did they brand the production of quark-gluon plasma as devil-worship? Did they label Yale's tree-counting team as heretics? Did they claim the Weyl fermion is a manifestation of Satan? Oh no wait, maybe the last time any denomination even cared about science was evolution?!?!

You know who royally fucks science more often and to a much bigger degree? The US Government. Remember what they did to NASA? That alone sets science back more than everything every religion has done in the entire history of man. You can feel free to argue that if you want, but really we both know it's the truth.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff