Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
So yeah Cretor rolled a toon on malfurion with me, so we have 3 tbers with lowbies there.

I'm on a 12 prot warrior, rittu's on a 15 fury warrior, and cretor's on a resto druid who's getting to 10 or so tonight.

So 2 of you (/me eyes oyster and shortyish) should roll some dps classes so we can have a full party for dungeons.


alliance or horde?

Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
Horde. I got to level 9 this morning, I'll be on in about an hour.

Add and get to 15 before Leel does.
I have a week off work and 10 twelve packs of highly caffienated beverages.

you dont stand a chance in hell.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
something about justice

I got my IRL friend playing on malfurion as well

Couldnt find anyone online with that guild name :9
Also,i think you should make a post with emails to add each other on realID