Originally Posted by Geast View Post
Guys, I'll be uninstalling TB so I'll be completely inactive. Quitting, maybe. Will still be here around the forums lurking though.

Originally Posted by Geast View Post
Hey, I never said I'll be leaving now. Maybe in a week or two, when summer school starts. I'd like to take my studies seriously from now on, and Toribash prevents me from doing that ._.

<-- has no self-control

That's what happened. Not forever though.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
Originally Posted by phail View Post
Aw, don't quit please guys. Just lower your activity a bit, I like to see forum activity and a bit of ingame, you guys are too cool to leave

Ashcoose me.

Why did i not get this?

Co Leader of Hell-Razor
Hi guys, I'm not sure where to post this, but I'm having a serious problem in accessing IRC, it keeps logging out when I try to go to a channel or something. Any suggestions?