Hey we should war some time Oh and if one of our clans goes belly-up we should totally join the other ;) BTW We're ranked #2 now!
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Zen, I am not hating on you and I'm not mad at you, but I'm sorry I won't be joining a clan with you in it. You gave FC a terrible reputation with the Clan Tournament and ever since then I've decided I won't associate myself with you again. I'm sorry but I've made up my mind.
Add idle to your enemies list as Equinox decided to ragequit before the final game of the war, leaving it unfinished...
Was it unfinished?!?!?! I purposelly dq'd so that we could end early as i had to go!! I'm truly sorry if the war had not ended, i did set matches to 1st to 7 and we finished 7 matches so idk what your on about