I'll be in a somewhat remote village for the next few days, not sure if I'll have a connection. So, might be inactive until Sunday night.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Sorry about my inactivity too lately, I've been checking the forums 2-3 times a day, just haven't had much motivation to post anything. I'm still here though, don't forget about me. :3
I'm gonna be less active.

Band concerts and performances coming up and our teacher has turned on his "devil mode". I'll be practicing a lot and most probably won't have time to check the forums.

"If you arrive late at the concert, there will be hell to pay!" That's what our teacher told us.
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Going to be more inactive.
Skyrim Updates+DLCs have caught up with me.
I'm disappearing and killing dragons.
I'll be less active for a while.

the rainy season in the Dominican Republic is approaching and so, there was this thunderbolt that came down and my internet thing got fried up and started smoking.
Trying to get it fixed. I'm using the only computer that has internet. (it's the wifi that has problems)
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
OK Summer holidays are here so I'll be less active becouse I will be hanging at my grandparents and I can reach my PC only home and that will be 2 days (weekend).
Away from the city until Tuesday, here my net access is unreliable and severely limited. Chances are you won't be seeing me on the forums, in skype or ingame until the middle of next week.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
I know I haven't posted in the forums for some time. I just don't know what to post, but I'm still checking the forums. Just thought you guys would want to know.
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!