The difference is that he is a friend from long time ago, alied to our clan.
You are right, this is the place to apply, back then I got confused with the other thread (whish were receiving some applies on). I un-deleted your post.
I'm sorry for this misunderstanding, anyway, The Team is pretty much inactive these days.

Edit: Nevermind, follow the application form and re-apply.
Name: Nickyle

Age: 12

Player Card:

About Your Self: Well I live in England, but I was born in Jamaica. I like to dance and I have been doing it for a couple years now, Les Twins have inspired me and I've been to a couple of their workshops and I've also taken part of some hip hop tournaments, winning 8 out of 18 so far. I like hanging around with my friends and having agood time and I also play table tennis as a hobby.

Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I'm pretty good at sparring, parkour and tricking.
Replays (3 replays)

The tricking and use bash replays were kind of old so those aren't to the best of my ability

The spar is a recent replay but my computer is broke but will be fixed in about 3 weeks
I hate all games
name: Flash
age: 21
Player Card:
About your self: I started playing in 09, around the same time I discovered tricking which has created the style of replay making I'm into now. Tricking has had a big impact on my life irl and in game because it has allowed me to meet new people and has giving me more confidence in myself, being able to freely express my art through movement.
Do you have any special skills that would benefit the team: I specialize in Tricking replays but also love creating parkour replays. As for art/mod/video making, i have no experience.
Replays (3 replays):
Attached Files
# Luv Sic.rpl (624.0 KB, 30 views)
# be water my friend.rpl (985.3 KB, 32 views)
Flash iHopz..rpl (741.6 KB, 90 views)
Last edited by Flash; Feb 25, 2016 at 10:39 PM.
Sorry for not responding to anyone for so long time.
Flash's app will be discussed and we'll post our decision as soon as possible.
Everyone else is denied.
[The Team]
<largekilla> You are going to give me cancer
Name: Victor4554
Age: 17
Player Card:
About Your Self: I'm a player who plays since 2012 and loves replay making. Some weeks ago i was thinking about quit the game, but i don't think it's a good idea, people trust on my potential. I want to join the Team because i am hunting motivation to play the game, i need targets and challenges to continue playing. I was inspired by some people and now i want to be the one who inspire people.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I'm a replay maker, i am better at parkour but i can spar and tricking, i am not that good with madmans, but i try, i am pretty rusty and i am trying to get motivation to get my skills back.
Replays (3 replays):
Attached Files
#RR Parkour - Victor4554.rpl (1.43 MB, 11 views)
Victor- No Time For Caution.rpl (1.82 MB, 10 views)
Victor- Drift Away.rpl (469.7 KB, 9 views)
+++NWTheSandVillage.tbm (31.9 KB, 5 views)
The Team
Name: Caidan | In-Game: VanillaMC

Age: 13

Player Card:

About myself: I'm an okay guy. I have a hilarious sense of humor, I get all A's and B's in school, I'm on the school's wrestling team, and, this is quite a bonus, I go to a karate studio, and I'm listed as one of the Elites in the Dojo I go to (Goshin Karate). I talk a lot (More than I probably should), and I like hanging out with friends more than hiding in my room like a hibernating bear (which I do most of the time, I'm not very popular.).

Do you have any special skills that would benefit the team? I am told constantly I play far above my belt level, and I'm getting better every day (Credit to (THOL)Bloodage2, he helps me train a lot). I'm an excellent sparrer, I'm slowly getting better at parkour, but I'm especially good at ABD. I can make some pretty nice replays. Unfortunately, I haven't tried making textures or mods, I'm more interested in playing than making textures and mods. Not sure if this counts for anything, but I've met Flash, Mocucha, and Eddy.

3 Replays: For Drops of Vanilla, please add the commands /lp 1 VanillaMC and /lp 0 Bloodage2 (You'll probably have to download the skins first). Eternal and Doom were back when I was a green or blue. Le Flip, Decap, and Drops of Vanilla were made in that order, and I'm sure you can see the difference in skill level between the three.

Miscellaneous info: I have had ranks under 500 for a long time, not sure why my card says 0 and has also not given me the proper achievements.

I know I most likely have nowhere near enough skills to join the Team, but seeing as how the vast majority of you are my role models, I figured I had to at least try. I appreciate the time you took to read this most-likely-too-long post, and I optimistically await your response.

Thanks again!
Attached Files
Drops of Vanilla.rpl (687.9 KB, 11 views)
Eternal Vengeance.rpl (149.5 KB, 3 views)
Le Flip spar.rpl (548.9 KB, 7 views)
Aikido Decap!.rpl (52.2 KB, 2 views)