Originally Posted by Wildslash View Post
Lol my turn.

I was at school, in a test, when this guy turns to me and sais:

Him: Hey buddy, got quetion 1?
Me: No. (i had it, but i was not gonna tell him)
Him: And number two?
Me: No, bye (i had it too)

Then the guy just calls up the teacher for some help (pathetic indeed). He still couldnt anwser any question (lol), so he decided to cheat (he had some shit written on his hand).
This guy read whatever cheat he had and writes down the anwser (finally), but when he gets to the next question he understadns hell nothing, raises his hand, and calls the teacher again, but this dumbhead didnt realized he raised his hand which had the info to call the teacher.
After this the teacher got mad and almost killed him, but as she could not, she told him 2 go wash his hands.
After this dude comes back, crying like a little girl (sorry little girls, not my intention to hurt you), sits down and looks at the papaer again...
Like 2 minutes later he asks me for another anwser, i pissed off, and didnt reply, so he cried again and call the teacher (yeah for the 3rd time).

He ended the test cause the teacher helped him on a 90% and a 10% of his stupid cheats. Anyways he got such low marks he had to do the test again. I just cant simply understand why some people think they are cool enugh not to study and later ask you everything (i mean everyting) like this dude.

Also in other exams, he has asked me questions beeing like form one side of the class to the other, and exam swapping... anyways he managed to do everything wrong and most of the times to get less than 50% with help, cheats and other dishonest stuff.

Im glad he now sits at the fornt of the class and not more at the bakc with me. High-School is not for him indeed.

I hope English is not your native language, sir.
Im not going to say his name, so ill call him bob.
This is when i was grade 5.
(Bob)Can I come?
(Me)Come to what?
(Bob)Your bday
(Me)No.Bye bye
So he tells the teacher and shes like:I cant control calebgambs personal life.
(Bob)*cries more*
Then me and my friends walk off

XD he was a total faggot
Originally Posted by steveirwin View Post
I know but on the internet, if someone pisses you off, most likely you'll tell them to fuck off and die, or some other variation of insult.
In real life, if a 6'5" 260 pound guy who was as ripped as the Hulk pissed you off, most likely you wouldn't comeback in such a manner.
This is why the internet is turning our generation into a bunch of people who think what they do have no consequences.
Think of /b/.
What happens on the internet, stays on the internet.

Yea, I know. Exactly I understand that. But what im trying to get by is that (Unless these storytellers are lying which is totally plausible) none of the cases have happened on the internet. They were all things that happened irl at school and whatnot. And this is why these stories/kids are really fucked up.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Originally Posted by calebgamb View Post
Im not going to say his name, so ill call him bob.
This is when i was grade 5.
(Bob)Can I come?
(Me)Come to what?
(Bob)Your bday
(Me)No.Bye bye
So he tells the teacher and shes like:I cant control calebgambs personal life.
(Bob)*cries more*
Then me and my friends walk off

XD he was a total faggot

Why would you feel the need to post a "story" like that on the internet? Grade 5 means that you were about 8? Everyone cries about pointless shit when they are that age. (Obviously not me, because I am an internet hard-man etc)
Originally Posted by steveirwin View Post
I know but on the internet, if someone pisses you off, most likely you'll tell them to fuck off and die, or some other variation of insult.
In real life, if a 6'5" 260 pound guy who was as ripped as the Hulk pissed you off, most likely you wouldn't comeback in such a manner.
This is why the internet is turning our generation into a bunch of people who think what they do have no consequences.
Think of /b/.
What happens on the internet, stays on the internet.

I tell people to fuck off and die irl, but no one takes me seriously because I'm a little bit ridiculous.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Mosier View Post
Yea, I know. Exactly I understand that. But what im trying to get by is that (Unless these storytellers are lying which is totally plausible) none of the cases have happened on the internet. They were all things that happened irl at school and whatnot. And this is why these stories/kids are really fucked up.

Agreed. o/
My post has apparently raised a lot of shit towards me, like "Old people do deserve better treatment, and since they have lived longer and have reached an old age, they deserve anything the want, so do fat people, some are diseased and can't do anything about, you insensitive fuck."

I apologize, yes, I am an insensitive bastard, elderly and the obese deserve to be treated better then what I did. I was mistaken in my act in the stories. Apparently I'm just an asshole who thinks he is right about everything.

But in my defense, some do abuse their position as an elder or an obese person, but that doesn't explain my disrespectful act towards them.

I apologize if I offended anyone, I don't expect you to forgive me anytime, sooner or later, you probably now think I am an asshole, and I don't blame you.

Thank you for pointing out my mistakes, I will not reveal the name of the people who told me this. Unless they want to.

Once again, I'm sorry

My piece of shit post below

Originally Posted by EchoMarine View Post
Alright, there are two kinds of people I hate the most, fat and old people who think they deserve better treatment because they are fat/old.

So there is this really fat girl in homeroom, and I mean gravitational field fat, and she always says that I can't help being fat, it's a disease.
What the fuck.
You can simply stop eating, it won't kill you, how about exercise.
More than that, the bitch keeps on thinking she can get away with anything or get sympathy from anybody.

Secondly, old people.
Now old people that don't care that they are old, fine, old fucks that go on about how they should cut in line when everyone else was waiting for a fucking half hour, and when you yell at them
"Haven't your father taught you to respect those older than you?"
"No, he taught me to fucking respect those who deserve respect, get the fuck back"
And some of the people are surprised, how is this kid talking back to someone old enough to be his grandfather.
Fuck them, I hate every single one who thinks that someone should be treated better than another, except retards, oh wait, I meant the handicapped. Fucks sake

No, wrong. You said those who think they deserve better treatment. You didn't say they don't deserve good treatment. I agree completely with you. They have no more right to jump to the head of a queue than you do.
By the way, i hate people who cherry-pick in their arguments. You only pull out the really bad examples, when there's a fair few other stories that tell the exact opposite of what you claim they do. Yes, i'm referring to you guys in this thread who constantly bitch over other peoples stories being terrible.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
By the way, i hate people who cherry-pick in their arguments. You only pull out the really bad examples, when there's a fair few other stories that tell the exact opposite of what you claim they do. Yes, i'm referring to you guys in this thread who constantly bitch over other peoples stories being terrible.

I was bored (and obsessive), so I categorized them:

You remained quiet (or acted decent yourself) and let the other person be the fool: 4

Others being rude (includes fights), you shrug off or apologize for being rude back (or just don't react): 3

"They smelled, looked, acted different... so I hate them": 6

"Someone did bad at something, looked different, or acted different... so I was rude to them. HAHAHAHAHA": 6

"Someone acted rude to me so I acted rude back and better, that showed them!" (includes fights): 6


18 out of 25 that's a heavy majority. As you stated yourself, only a "fair few" acted decent. The worst thing is, that this being the internet, everyone can tailor the stories how they wish (or pick whatever story they have at their disposal). The 18 believed that their chosen stories were good picks as an idiot showcase... failing to realize they make themselves look worse. Being/acting different myself, this underlines the foundation of why I dislike people.
Last edited by lancer_c; Sep 20, 2009 at 07:05 PM.