Originally Posted by MYI View Post
You mean the one like locker's?Sure i can,but do you have textures or items?

Yes I do
i will earn much tc in the next time
than i'll buy full textures

on this way i ahve a little question :P

where is the different between bumpmap texture and normal texture
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Originally Posted by Ardgevald View Post

Hey doods any of you know how to resize it? idk how lol

Any of you know how to resize it? =P
master of the universe
Sorry but if you already knew ard,Small images like this will lose most of it's quality when resized.And all the pic will be blurry.Pwn3r:choose a smaller subtitle.That won't fit XD