Hi lane
Opener was pretty unimaginative, so basically I've seen it too much. Normally in -30 though so I guess it was fine. Decap was done with the shin and thats a big no-no in my book. wrist dm to flip off of uke was cool. The way this replay really shines is how you got a damn 5-dm boom with your back leg not touching 2 parts of uke's body. The transition to the pose, and pose were nice. gj
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
God damn why is everyone so good at replays.
Opener was boring yes, but everything after that had that great stuff you always show.
I honestly thought that you hacked that boom right there, had to check but nope, you're just amazing.

Beyond one minor thing that will always make me mad is how you didn't move like at all during the first jump, but I guess that's alright.