

lol sid payed 5k to change his IRC name

TL;DR sid payed 5k to make the s capital in IRC, didnt realize it was on forums..
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
lol didnt happen in our irc, but was still funny.

[20:44] * mosconi0 ( has joined #support
[20:44] <mosconi0> someone stole my server can someone get it back for me?
[20:45] <mosconi0> they banned me then made the belt limit high.
[20:45] <ishi> did you give them op?
[20:45] <hampa> oi, mosconi0
[20:45] <hampa> why do you show up in the logs?
[20:45] <hampa> you dosing the servers?
[20:45] * mosconi0 ( Quit ( Quit: Page closed )
[20:45] <ishi> :O
[20:45] <Pv2caribou> LOL
[20:45] <hampa> ban this guy to hell
Last edited by Arctic; Mar 12, 2016 at 09:29 PM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
hahahahahhaha, that rare moment of win in #support
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

[17:29] <TBashDude> How are we doing with the events? Does it look like we'll win?
[17:29] <+Pv2Caribou> no because you didnt do the thing
[17:29] <Maciek9999> Idk, I'm not in the team yet.
[17:29] <TBashDude> What?
[17:30] <+Pv2Caribou> you know what you did wrong TBashDude
[17:30] <+Pv2Caribou> you know exactly
[17:30] <TBashDude> No, I don't.
[17:30] <TBashDude> Do you mind explaining to me?
[17:30] <+Pv2Caribou> LIES AND PROPOGANDA
[17:31] <TBashDude> Um...what?
[17:31] <+Pv2Caribou> exactly...
[17:31] <TBashDude> More specific please?
[17:31] <+Pv2Caribou> now you are understanding
[17:31] <TBashDude> I haven't done anything wrong.
[17:31] * Shade ( has joined #AdPhones
[17:31] * ChanServ sets mode +h Shade for #AdPhones
[17:33] <Maciek9999> So late over here.
[17:38] <TBashDude> Pv2
[17:38] <TBashDude> Can you please tell me what I did?
[17:38] <+Pv2Caribou> no, if you wont acknowlege what you did wrong, and want to pretend like you didnt do anything instead of manning up then fuck it
[17:38] <+Pv2Caribou> i dont even care anymore
[17:39] <Maciek9999> What's going on, guys?
[17:46] <TBashDude> I seriously don't know what I did wrong.
[17:46] <TBashDude> I swear to God.
[17:46] <TBashDude> Can you just tell me?
[17:46] <TBashDude> And I'll be honest.
[17:47] <TBashDude> Pv2Caribou
[17:47] <TBashDude> Please?
[17:47] <+Pv2Caribou> how about you stop acting like a child and just admit it, the punishment will be less severe if you just admit it before qubic gets back
[17:48] <TBashDude> Dude, tell me what I did and if I did it I'll admit it.
[17:48] <TBashDude> I'm not the one acting like a child if I don't know what I did wrong.
[17:48] <TBashDude> Plus, how do you know I was the one who did whatever was done?
[17:48] <+Pv2Caribou> alright, thats how you want to play
[17:48] <+Pv2Caribou> we will wait for qubic then
[17:48] <TBashDude> I don't want to play...
[17:49] <TBashDude> Seriously.
[17:49] <TBashDude> I didn't do anything.
[17:49] <TBashDude> Can you just tell me whatever the hell I did?
[17:49] <TBashDude> I seriously don't know.
[17:49] <+Pv2Caribou> lol keep it up, i dont care
[17:49] <TBashDude> If you tell me whatever the hell I did and if I did do it, then I'll fucking admit it, but you won't tell me, so how do I know?
[17:49] <+Pv2Caribou> qubic already knows
[17:50] <+Pv2Caribou> so its ok
[17:50] <TBashDude> But I don't know...
[17:50] <TBashDude> Seriously.
[17:50] <TBashDude> I didn't do a damn thing.
[17:50] <TBashDude> Kingsta, do you know what I did wrong (if I did anything wrong)?
[17:50] <Maciek9999> I think he's AFK.
[17:50] <TBashDude> Sigh.
[17:51] <TBashDude> Pv2, how can you be sure that I did "it"?
[17:52] <TBashDude> Pv2?
[17:52] <TBashDude> What the hell did I do wrong!??!
[17:54] * Kingsta ( Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
[17:54] <+Pv2Caribou> we have fucking proof dude
[17:54] <Maciek9999> Kingsta left...
[17:54] <Maciek9999> fuq
[17:55] <TBashDude> Pv2.
[17:55] * pal_ ( has joined #AdPhones
[17:55] <TBashDude> Of.
[17:55] <TBashDude> What.
[17:56] <TBashDude> Pal
[17:56] <TBashDude> Do you know if I did anything "wrong" that hurt the team? Cause Pv2 won't tell me what I did wrong.
[17:56] <TBashDude> Pal_
[17:56] <+Pv2Caribou> im not gonna play your little game anymore TBashDude
[17:57] <+Pv2Caribou> when qubic gets here you better atleast admit it to him
[17:57] ->> You are now known as Pv2|Out
[17:57] <pal_> tbashdude he's probably messing around with you idk what is going on
[17:57] <TBashDude> I'm not playing any GAME.
[17:57] <TBashDude> That's what I think.
[17:58] <TBashDude> Cause I didn't do a damn THING!
[17:59] <Maciek9999> Time for me, it's very late over here.
[18:00] <Maciek9999> cya, AdPhones.
Last edited by Arctic; Mar 12, 2016 at 09:29 PM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos

[23:48] == Sidvicious [webchat@41B1A272.3AF3F575.9A740814.IP] has joined #tll
[23:52] <Fear_> hi Sidvicious
[23:53] <Sparky_Phone> Hey Sidvicious
[23:54] <Tristan> Hello Sidvicious
[23:54] <Qubic> greetings Sidvicious
[23:56] <Sidvicious> I think I heard a beep
[23:56] <Sidvicious> someone must have mentioned my name
[23:57] <Sidvicious> Can't be sure though
[23:57] <Sidvicious> hello everyone
[23:57] <Fear_> we all came here to see you
[23:57] <Sidvicious> Fear_,Tristan,Qubic. Who are you, Sparky_Phone?
[23:57] <Qubic> this is an intervention
[23:58] <Qubic> youre just too vicious
[23:58] <Sidvicious> I
[23:58] <Sparky_Phone> I am Sparky_Phone
[23:58] <Sidvicious> wha-- I
[23:58] <Fear_> its scaring people, sid
[23:58] <Sidvicious> Too vicio--
[23:58] <Sidvicious> pun
[23:58] <Sidvicious> I..
[23:58] <Sidvicious> cant
[23:58] <Sidvicious> brb
[23:58] <Fear_> we said it too soon
[23:59] <Sidvicious> Jesus
[23:59] <Sidvicious> this truth is just too much for me
[00:00] <Fear_> look you dont have to stop being vicious straight away
[00:00] <Fear_> it can be a slow process
[00:00] <Fear_> maybe you can transition into being just violent
[00:00] <Fear_> sidviolent
[00:00] <Qubic> the brutality is just too much to handle
[00:00] <Sidvicious> B-but how??
[00:00] <Sidvicious> I have been like this my entire life
[00:00] <Qubic> maybe stop sharpening your teeth? it's a start
[00:01] <Triton> Sidbrutal
[00:01] <Fear_> when someone goes the shake your hand, don't shoot them three times in the chest
[00:01] <Fear_> small things like that go a long way
[00:02] <Sidvicious> ok.. maybe... just once?
[00:02] <Qubic> lets just bring that number down to 2 for now
[00:02] <Qubic> no need to rush, could be harmful
[00:02] <Sparky_Phone> I'm just sparky the GM
[00:02] <Sidvicious> Ok.. will do
[00:02] <Sidvicious> glad you gave me that insight
[00:02] <Tristan> You need to stop wrecking everyone on the freeway
[00:03] <Tristan> Its cool you put spikes on your wheels and all
[00:03] <Tristan> But, cmon man
[00:03] <Sidvicious> What if I need them to get fucker?
[00:03] <Tristan> 2 Fucker a day
[00:03] <Tristan> for 5 months
[00:03] <Fear_> look its important to fucker people, but perhaps activly persuing people on the highway and driving them off the road is a bit much?
[00:04] <Tristan> Also, we're limiting you to eating 4-5 people a week
[00:04] <Sidvicious> wtf
[00:04] <Tristan> Oh, okay. That one was too far?
[00:04] <Fear_> no no
[00:04] <Fear_> we have to be firm
[00:04] <Sidvicious> we are treading into some delicate territory right now
[00:05] <Tristan> Sid... What did you do with Templar?
[00:05] <Sidvicious> i have been maintaining a balanced diet consisting of 7 to 8-- Templar?
[00:05] <Sidvicious> Uhm
[00:06] <Tristan> no not uhm
[00:06] <Tristan> Templar
[00:06] <Sidvicious> did you... Hear much from him ?
[00:06] <Sidvicious> lately?
[00:06] <Tristan> >->
[00:06] <Sidvicious> it's not like something could have happened to him or anything
[00:06] <Tristan> It's okay Sid. All you have to do it admit what youve done
[00:07] <Tristan> We Still love you
[00:07] <Fear_> you brutalised him with a hatchet again didnt you sid
[00:07] <Tristan> Again?
[00:07] <Sidvicious> I SAID IT WOULDN'T HURT
[00:07] <Fear_> you know he's only up for that kind of thing when he's off work at the weekends
[00:08] <Fear_> its embarrasing for him to walk around the office with no head and just one arm
[00:08] <Tristan> Where did we go wrong Tom D':
[00:08] <Sidvicious> It's what's inside that matters
[00:09] <Tristan> YOU TOOK HIS LIVER
[00:09] <Fear_> dude he only has a few of those left
[00:09] <Fear_> don't keep doing that man
[00:09] <Fear_> not cool
[00:09] <Sidvicious> No.. you got that one wrong, it was his spleen
[00:09] <Sidvicious> you get your facts straight
[00:10] <Tristan> DONT SASS ME
[00:10] <Sidvicious> 'sides, he wasn't exactly COMPLAINING after the...
[00:10] <Sidvicious> procedure
[00:10] <Sidvicious> not at all
[00:10] <Tristan> 3 people a week for you mister
[00:10] <Tristan> you wanna go 2?
[00:10] <Sidvicious> *sigh*
[00:10] <Sidvicious> ok
[00:10] <Sidvicious> I get it
[00:10] <Tristan> you wanna go 2?!
[00:11] <Sidvicious> NO, NO PLEASE
[00:11] <Tristan> Okay, Good.
[00:11] <Sidvicious> I'll do it
[00:11] <Tristan> Now, I left you some lower intestines on the counter
[00:11] <Tristan> heat them up
[00:11] <Sidvicious> first, lemme...
[00:11] == Sidvicious has changed nick to Sidmalicious
[00:11] <Sidmalicious> we start with the details
[00:11] <Tristan> I'm proud of you
[00:11] <Fear_> good, small steps are good
[00:12] <Sidmalicious> yeah.. I feel... I feel some actual progress is going on here
[00:12] <Tristan> Oh, and one more thing. Dude, youve got to calm down on the porn
[00:12] <Tristan> and all the snuff videos
[00:13] <Tristan> It's okay that you do it. Youre a growing boy
[00:13] <Tristan> But, this much is unhealthy
[00:13] <Sidmalicious> Ok ok.. we don't want to be too hasty not do we
[00:14] <Sidmalicious> now*
[00:14] <Tristan> I took a black light in your room
[00:14] <Tristan> ....the horror
[00:14] <Tristan> It was even on Mr. Mittens
[00:14] <Fear_> thats a seperate issue and I think we can work on that after we at least tone you down to sidagressive
[00:14] <Tristan> MR MITTENS!
[00:14] <Sidmalicious> Mittens...
[00:14] <Sidmalicious> I see you've met him
[00:14] <Tristan> ITS OUR CAT
[00:15] <Tristan> OF COURSE IVE MET HIM
[00:15] <Sidmalicious> not the way I did
[00:15] <Sidmalicious> oh no you didn't
[00:15] <Tristan> oh god
[00:15] <Sidmalicious> ANYWAY
[00:15] <Sidmalicious> I agree with fear
[00:15] <Tristan>  /off topic   Do Brazilians not have cats?
[00:15] <Fear_> dont forget to post this in the irc thread
[00:16] <Sidmalicious> cats are a common pet here too
[00:16] <Sidmalicious> along with the monkeys
[00:16] <Sidmalicious> and the indians
[00:16] <Tristan> like hispanics here
[00:17] <Tristan> and Liberals
[00:17] <Sidmalicious> you learn something new every day