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Gears of war 1/2
This is one of the games i play all the time non stop!I love it and I would like to know what you guys think about it.I prefer Gears of war 1 too Gears of war 2 cuz of the sniper and movemet,Plus I have alot of 1v1's and stuff.

So what do you think is better?

If any one wants to play Gears of war whith me some time just add:
o Energy Punk o
I'm hoping to get GoW2 soon, so I can play horde with my friends. And due to the chainsaw wars.

I hear GoW2 is a bit challenging on live, ey?
Well not online.there all noobs that charge at you whith a chainsaw (its like a noob clap but in gears of war)gow 1 have good players.
I got gow2 for christmas and loved it :o
imo, the single player campaign was a lot better than gow1

and the release of horde mode is awesome :o
Got gears but haven't played it yet. I don't really like how shooting someone with a chainsaw doesn't lower it. It wouldn't be that bad if the shotgun was still strong, meaning that if your back uped against a wall and a chainsawer comes close, you're almost screwed.
All the world's a stage.
yeh i gotz GoW2 it is F'ing awesome on live, like the killing option. but i play 1 player most the time. my tag is RejectedGhost, lol
Horde gets old pretty fast.

Playing the same level for hours, camping in the same spot. Although, I would like to try Horde on Xbl.
Last edited by Giantz; Jan 1, 2009 at 08:30 PM.