Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I have saved us.
Okay guys, so you've all heard that old "Bush did 9/11" conspiracy theory, right? It's totally outrageous. He totally didn't have any ties to the crime. But wait... what if he did?
In light of the upcoming elections, I started thinking why Donald Trump would ever seriously run for our president. He has no diplomatic appeal, very little actual political sway, and is well... frankly stupid. He must have a good reason. Having money to run is not a good reason in the slightest.
So I present to you the reason why Bush was never caught. He didn't pay for a dime of it. Who hates the Muslims? Donald Trump. Who has a lot of money to spare? Donald Trump. It's obvious that Bush convinced Trump to help with his scheme! How else would all this be possible?
Trump funded everything; while Bush sat back, chuckling to himself about how smart he is. After the job was done, Bush put in some nice words for Trump so that later on the line he could be Bush's true successor.
So does this mean that Trump is actually aiming to end this war on terrorism by eradicating all Muslims, or was it all just a ploy to gain supreme power over our once great nation? Only time will tell, and all we can do to stop this atrocity from progressing is praying that God spare us the sins of this corrupt government.

Please post your concerns below, so we can all prepare as best as possible for the repercussions of these actions.

Yours Truly,
Grand Regent Grohenbird.
I think I might be retired.
Its also a little unknown fact, but at one point Trump hired on Oprah Winfrey to spread propaganda for Bush's cause in order to sway the public in their favor over the governments information control that would take place regardless of Bush's efforts to reduce it.
I bet Donald Trump also payed those thousands out Muslims to start cheering when the tower fell
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Are u dumb? It was obviously time-traveling barak obama (who is actually a lizard btw) that did 9/11. He works for the secret brotherhood of reptilians that is bent on destroying the human race.
No Obama is and always will be just a worthless piece of shit that achieved nothing while in office. He is not a reptilian, he is not part of the 9/11 shinanigans, he is just a mistake in our history that is almost behind us. The only master minds here are Bush and Trump. Stop trying to push worthless shit on us butter.

Fuck Butter He's ghey

Last edited by FeralMexican; Jan 21, 2016 at 03:03 PM.
what if they actually bombed the trade center to cover up some massive embezzlement and that's where ol trump got all his money?
it goes much deeper than that.
or maybe they did it to put tension between middle eastern nations so Saudi Arabia would sell the US their oil? or maybe they did it so they had an excuse to invade the middle East under the guise of counter terrorism to suss out their oil supply?
it's always the oil.
Last edited by RAAAGE; Jan 21, 2016 at 03:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump