Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Outlast (+DLC : Whistleblower)
So as a bunch of you horror fans might know, I strongly dislike horror games due to the fact that I hardly find any of them scary except for amnesia (oh boy a machine for pigs is coming in a week!).

However, this game proved to have potential that I rarely see in any horror game out there. The only negative side I see is that it might give you that chill/scare down your spine for the first couple hours if not less, then become bland and boring just like the other games of the genre.

But any game with this potential should be given a chance, so I just bought 2 minutes before I started typing this (it came out today).

Anyway enough babbling, let's get to the game.

All info in this thread has been taken from the wiki and the dev's website (Red barrel)


As I watched a 10 minute demo, I was pretty damn impressed with the graphics as well as the character interaction with the environment. The jump scares are rather predictable as like all other horror games, but the environmental horror is pretty neat (still not to the level of my all time favorite amne... you get it).
Still, I'm not to judge it until I actually play it myself, got high hopes for the first gameplay hours, afraid of boredom in the later hours (that's just me, I just don't find horror games scary), but again, can't judge before you try.

I'll keep you updated as I progress through the game when it finishes downloading, though no spoilers of course.

Last edited by EJM; Sep 4, 2013 at 09:52 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

how is it going? scared it'll be the BOOGAWOOGAWOOGA kind of horror
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by sid View Post
how is it going? scared it'll be the BOOGAWOOGAWOOGA kind of horror

Played for around 20-ish minutes, so far, it's more of an environmental horror, but there are definitely a bunch of boogawoogas around. It's pretty immersing actually, I'm enjoying it so far.

As I said, I dislike boogawoogas cause they're pretty boring, but this time, it's pretty neat. Though I won't be playing it for the day, will do first thing in the morning (or a bit sooner for that alone dark feel we all want).
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I bought a game I'm too much of a pussy to finish \o/
Running down a hallway, a guy with a bat is there, turn around and run. "Just a ghost".
Thought I was fucked -_-
The trailer alone scared the shits out of me :3
If you finish it you officially have more balls than this guy V
Just watched a friend play through this. Definitely something I wouldn't pay for straight up, and yes there were plenty of ooga boogas the whole way through. I'm glad I watched it first instead of buying it to see how it was.

There's a *lot* of item/objective hunting and usually getting chased and hiding in lockers/under things in between the item hunts - no puzzles at all. Thankfully I only counted one cheap insta-death and that was entirely the dudes fault for bothering someone he shouldn't have. Actually the only puzzle I can think of per se would be every time an ooga booga gets in the way of where you need to go and all you need to do is run away and hide till they move out of the way. Which happens very often.
One puzzle in particular which stood out as being particularly frustrating - both for my friend, and for us to watch - was a section in which you needed to hunt for 3 fuses. And then not only do you have to bumble about to find them while being chased, every time you put a fuse in the fuse box the ooga booga would teleport into the room and you'd have to run about until he went away. Meaning 3 chase sequences in the same area just to put all the fuses in and activate the relevant objective.

The story was ok, if a bit whack and confusing, and it has a cheap ending, I felt. Would not really recommend you play this if you liked Amnesia, as it isn't really close to Amnesia. If anything, I'd be more inclined to say it plays like Condemned: Criminal Origins without any weapons for you to use.

Oh yeah and there's like necrophilia and uncensored naked dudes. That too.
Last edited by 4zb41; Sep 7, 2013 at 09:39 AM.
So after playing a whole bunch of this game (didn't finish it yet, but I certainly am pretty deep into it), I can safely make a list of pros and cons, so here goes :

Pros :
- Amazing soundtrack, seriously, the music is flawless and can't be better fit with the situation.
- Pretty great graphics.
- Awesome interaction with the environment in terms of being realistic (hands on the ground when crouching, can see your body when looking down, hands on edge of door when peeking etc...)
- Start of the game was pretty damn tense and, I can't believe I'll say this but... Scary. Jumpscares were unpredictable and the way the game introduced the tension and the story was pretty great.
- Diversity in enemy types.
- Did I mention the soundtrack?
- Decent environmental horror.
- Overall pretty fun experience.
- Great gore and use of mentality.
- Great protagonist sound effects when frightened.
- Flawless ways to introduce a bad situation, something that you don't usually find in a horror game. For example, when you actually see the enemy is when a loud shrieking sound/music/scream goes through your headphones, not when the AI spots you, this is particularly risky, since it can be pretty damn glitchy when coding, but they managed to pull it off nicely.

Cons :
- Some jumpscares become predictable.
- The tension doesn't build up... at all. For me, the tension hit it's max 20-25 minutes into the game. I'll compare it to amnesia, where the tension starts when the game starts, then the environment kicks in, then glimpses (and still threats) of enemies come in, then the actual threats introduce themselves, then even bigger threats, then a huge plot twist, then... you get it, and all that with the plot going at a great pace, with some twists and turns to keep things juicy to the point that you go "oh snap that shouldn't have happened".
- Some parts show some laziness in developing. Seeing how this game is realistic (with the interactions, graphics, etc...), when being jumped by someone, the same thing happens when you're jumped by another person somewhere else. Yes, this is in fact exceptionally bad.


- Not very appealing story, I just kept playing it for the fun of being chased/going stealth mode and such.

Another con probably containing spoilers.

- Some events just don't make any sense, here's an example rapped in a spoiler so you won't go all mad at me.

Example. Really, don't read this if you want to play the game yourself.

- The environmental horror, which is really the only type of effective horror that ever existed, becomes too repetitive and doesn't build the tension as it should.

All in all, it's a pretty good horror game, but a greatly fun non-horror game. For me, it was a horror game for the first 30 minutes, then turned into a thriller/gory game that you play to have a small chill down your spine and to just have fun running away or stalking maniacs.

I would recommend it, but hey... amnesia is still my all time favorite.
Last edited by EJM; Sep 8, 2013 at 12:16 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
The environmental horror, which is really the only type of effective horror that ever existed, becomes too repetitive and doesn't build the tension as it should.

I think this was best early on in the game, and especially in an earlier section involving wandering about with all the other "patients". Later on in the game it just seems to degenerate into there being a lot of gore and mutilated bodies around in dark rooms.
I'll take this opportunity to mention that although I didn't like the game overall, I did like a couple of characters and thought they were well done.
The two recurring guys who act really polite about how they want to kill you, for example, and a certain doctor who shows up later. They have some pretty good dialogue. I also like the fact that you'll see almost everyone you run into more than once - even the seemingly unimportant NPCs.

As for the soundtrack, I will have to agree it was pretty well done over all, being dynamic and changing depending on the situation - screeching violins when being chased, more tense when you've gotten away and hidden, back to screeching violins if you get pulled out of your hiding place...
There were a couple of sections where I thought the scare chords were unnecessarily long, and it got a bit annoying to watch chases where the only reason the guy knew he was being chased was because as he put it "THE MUSIC IS GETTING LOUDER I BETTER RUN HUH?"
Yeah the doctor was pretty much my favorite. I couldn't help but giggle all the way through the corridors.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.