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[S] Pure, Demon, Elf, Platinum
Check my inventory for the stock.

I've got Pure blood, force and relax up for sale.
Also got a Demon relax up for sale.
There's an Elf force, ghost and relax up for sale as well.
Last but not least I've got Platinum force, relax, blood and ghost up for sale.

Bid away!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I've seen the force and relax each going for 30-35, totalling up to 70k.
Blood and ghost aren't that expensive so I'll let the total go for 80k.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Pure blood 2.5k
Pure force 11k
Pure Relax 7k
Plat Force 25k
How much are you looking for the Demon Relax? If we make a deal I'll have it sent to a friend.
Woah, last time I checked in here Pure force and relax went for around 40k.
Let me check some prices as I don't know if that's a good offer.

I'll hold the Platinum force as "chrisfinne" replied first. If he doesn't want it you can have it for 30k.

I was told the Demon relax is worth $9, current rate being $1 = 10k TC, 90k seems like a good deal.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Oh and yeah, the prices for them have gone down dramatically.
Demon Relax has gone down as well, I've bought a two recently for 25k and 30k.. They go for a bit more though.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I've seen the force and relax each going for 30-35, totalling up to 70k.
Blood and ghost aren't that expensive so I'll let the total go for 80k.

I'll give you 65k for all.
Your pal,
Meet me at 70k and we'll have a deal, Chris.

Dayum, last time I sold one I sold it for 150k TC..
Not sure if I want to sell the Demon lower than 50k TC, though.


Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I know right? I've been trying to sell one for 50k for a few weeks and it just sold a few days ago.
No thank you.
Anything on the Pure?