Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Making this org awesome again/Suggestions
Hey guys.

Let's make Oshi what it is all about again. The sole reason we're inactive is because we're inactive. If you don't post, others are less likely to post. If you don't reply, others are less likely to make art or a replay next time, because they think they won't get feedback anyway.

I have some ideas. Ideas that will hopefully turn this org into a place where you can post a replay to get feedback on it, where you can look at some art and help others improve at it. If you're bored, where you can casually talk to other people.

First of all, don't be afraid to post in the replay/art thread. Whether you post a replay/art or comment on it, just do it if you feel like it. Comment on stuff, even if you don't think you have the necessary experience/talent. Your opinion isn't retarded. As long as you say what you did/didn't like, you're helping. And if you have made something and want to get better at it, practice is a must. But it also helps a lot to get comments on your stuff. Knowing what people like and what they don't helps you make better things the next time.

Second, IRC activity. I think it's pretty stupid that I am the one to bring this up, since my IRC client has been broken for about a year, but I'll fix it today and lurk in the channel again. If you don't have an IRC client and don't want to get one, you can always use the qwebIRC one: http://forum.toribash.com/chat_view.php?channel=oshi
It's not the best, but it works. IRC isn't obligatory, but it's fun. You are not obliged to get on IRC. But if you haven't tried it, just go on it to see how it is. If the channel is somewhat active, it's a good way to casually chat, get quick CnC and also to get to know each other.

Last, events. It has been brought up. I am ashamed to say that I lack all required funds. I don't have any spare items, I believe, I have 0 tc. The reason is that I gave some away, hosted some small events, stuff like that, like a year ago. But I think it's a fun way to involve the rest of the community with Oshi. If some of you have some stuff lying around you don't need and you like to contribute, I suggest we try to sell it for TC or have it as a price for an event. This is just a humble suggestion, though, since I think I am not in any position to ask you to donate stuff, since I am probably the poorest guy in the org.

tl;dr: Post more, even if you think your post will be retarded. (Don't shitpost though)
We need to fix the IRC channel and get active there.
Events, they are awesome.

Also, general suggestions thread.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Somebody finally came in to action.

We should do that. Everyone don't be so lazy . We still can make it.

Also do we have a bank? If there is some tc we can start to host tourneys or only for OSHI members art/replay events to raise activity.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Somebody finally came in to action.

We should do that. Everyone don't be so lazy . We still can make it.

Also do we have a bank? If there is some tc we can start to host tourneys or only for OSHI members art/replay events to raise activity.

Well, we used to have a bank, but I think Ginkey forgot the pass and was the only one who knew it. So I fear we don't have TC. I'll try to lose some rust and join in on some events, everything I win will be donated.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Yeah, I've just been accepted here then you guys became inactive. (Even before I joined) Yes, I invaded OSHI a lot of times before.

So why don't we donate and post?
|OoT Member|ORMO Member|OSHI Member|RSO Teacher|MMO Member|
|Prince of Darkness|Leader of the the Fallen|Fallen Angel|
If your members weren't so mean to the people applying I think this org would get more people.

They are treating this org to be something like Ormo when it's not.
Originally Posted by Sotura View Post
If your members weren't so mean to the people applying I think this org would get more people.

They are treating this org to be something like Ormo when it's not.

Just because you are not good enough to join doesn't mean we are mean.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Sotura View Post
If your members weren't so mean to the people applying I think this org would get more people.

They are treating this org to be something like Ormo when it's not.

You do realize our standards for joining are actually pretty low, right? The most important aspect for me is to see someone has a grasp on how to actually do the stuff they do. That does not have to be skill, it also can be common sense, basic understand of (in case of replays) momentum or something, all kinds of things. We are not mean at all. At least, most of us aren't. We just give our opinions. If you get offended by that, I can't imagine you taking criticism very well, which happens to be an important part of improving in anything, even stuff in real life.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
what are u waiting for?
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