Original Post
[Event] The Golden Brush
Hello Everyone, welcome to my first event!
This Event consists in making ART!

I think it is time to show what secret artistic abilities you guys have. So in this event you will be able to show off your skills!


What will you be using?
Well basically I have thought of using gimp for this event so that no one has the advantage of a better quality program such as photoshop... but if you all members of secret agree to use photoshop then you are allowed to use it.
Now you can use whatever program you wish to use

What You can and can not do for this event:

What You CAN do:

drawings, heads, sets, gfx, sketches, 3d art, image editing.

What You CAN NOT do:
Poetry, compositions or vids

Only ONE art work post per person.
When you post your final work you will have to send me the editable file format so that i can see what you have done.... and this will help me consider your works or not... lol
I will be judging the art me and only me! BUAHAHAH
If you Rip you will be disqualified and you will lose my respect for the amount of time I decide....

also last but not least.....
Forum Rules are applied in this event!

1rst Prize- 2k and this set

2nd Prize- Full Marine Set

Im So Sorry for the people out of the clan who were intending to enter this event... you can not enter only secret members may...

The Event Ends The 8th Of OCTOBER!

Ive decided to creat a first due date were every participant will post their wip in that day not before not after the wip has to be posted that day ok?

Post your First WIP the 18th of September

Post Your First WIP the 25th of September

Want To See?




teague post

Last edited by Aitor21; Sep 18, 2011 at 09:58 PM.
I'm making something now,

/off topic
Oh awesome you guys play neopets?
I love it!
PM me your usernames. o7
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
lol i knew it was form neopets.. i was just lazy to creat my own golden brush so i decided to get one from google... lol
ehm and kreator..... im so sorry but only secret members can enter...
i forgot to post it
and i had once a neopet account when i was like 9 or so... :S i dont remember much of it
:P i used to play around 5 years back.
also can i post one piece of art and then if i want to change edit the post and put another one in?

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
hmmm read the rules... only one work per person.. but i will let you re edit the image to make it look better
so no you cant create 2 works
but yes you may edit the one that you have posted
but please dont post first wips and those things...
i will start judging the works the 8th of october
so you can do anyupdate on it until then ok?
but as i said not spam wips that have a minimum change...

oh and by the way i recommend you people not doing a head...
you can do it but usually the heads have much more to desire than a painting or whatever...
you can do it i wont under rate the head just because its a head...
the thing is that in a drawing you can express yourself better
but it all also depends in what your rivals/clan members do...

if you want to do the head do it
if you feel like your going to do a nice head
that will overpass every peace of art that is posted here
do it!

edit2: oh and ive changed my mind i think what we should do is create a do date for the first wip...
so that everyone posts their wip the same day...
i think it would look more fair like that...
so yes im going to edit the main post...
and create a due date on the 20eth so that you all post the wip
Last edited by Aitor21; Sep 8, 2011 at 08:32 PM.
Reserve me a spot, I've been working on this one drawing and I want to see how good people think it is.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
all the members may enter so there is no reserving thingy
the thing you all have to get accomplished is to have a wip for the 18th of september
but i would prefere if you people could creat new art works for the event..
Last edited by Aitor21; Sep 8, 2011 at 10:35 PM.
no you can not use it... its quite unfair for the people who are using gimp and dont have photoshop... but if they dont mind you using photoshop then you can use it
so here is the question would you mind if people could use photoshop for this event?