Don't see why we shouldn't.
Although, what I'm worried about is people not showing up (since it usually just ends with me and noob playing).
Originally Posted by icon5 View Post
May I ask what the objective is?

Its a Clan League.
A ladder event.
It consist on like battling against other clans.
Its like when you enter a ladder individually, but
this one is with your homies (Clan).
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
I can actually probably turn up to at least some of these since i suddenly got consistent shifts, needs to be like 10 am or 11 pm though, so activity shouldnt be a problem
I don't wanna end up missing this, so what time is this gonna happen? :0
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin
Im guessing that it works like a cross between the ladder matches and clan wars, as in 1 clan challenges another to fight at such and such a time and gains points that way, so no set time really, just depends on how many clans we spam with challenges, or get spammed by alternatively.