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Last edited by Uric; Mar 26, 2011 at 01:52 AM.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
[C3] Offtopic Thread
[13:23] == Glow [] has joined #c3
[13:23] Channel names begin with # (corrected automatically).
[13:23] == mode/#c3 [+qo Glow Glow] by ChanServ
[13:25] <Muur> pikabot
[13:34] == Epic4Chris [] has joined #c3
[13:34] <Epic4Chris> Fuck.
[13:34] <Epic4Chris> People annoying me.
[13:34] <Epic4Chris> "WHERE THE FUCK IS EPIC4CHRIS"
[13:34] <Epic4Chris> Annoying me.
[13:34] <Epic4Chris> Motherfucker
[13:35] <Muur> The Art comp?
[13:35] <Epic4Chris> No
[13:35] <Muur> Why say that?
[13:35] <Epic4Chris> I'm Motherfucker tried art.
[13:35] <Muur> Same. But I was never good.
[13:36] <Epic4Chris> 1,000,000 Motherfucker Request.
[13:36] <Muur> You can add them to your ignore list.
[13:36] <Epic4Chris> Make ruied my life.
[13:37] <Epic4Chris> And Too much motherfucker Troll in Toribash forum than other forum.
[13:37] <Muur> Not 4chan.
[13:39] <Epic4Chris> Who did build Wibble forum? It's not care them. Noob join toribash and become Troll.
[13:39] <Muur> Hamster
[13:40] <Muur> I think.
[13:40] <Epic4Chris> 52,436 Troll in Toribash.
[13:40] <Muur> Pretty much.
[13:40] <Epic4Chris> And annoying me in-game.
[13:40] <Muur> Thats why I stay out of wibbles
[13:41] <Epic4Chris> I quit Toribash and make new my life.
[13:42] <Muur> No.
[13:42] <Muur> Why?
[13:42] <Epic4Chris> My new life is better than old life. :l
[13:42] <Muur> :(
[13:42] <Epic4Chris> Cause Toribash make ruied my life.
[13:44] <Epic4Chris> I play other Muiteplayer game.
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> (idk Name of game)
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> I meet guy in-game
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> it's Nice guy.
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> and other guy
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> same nice guy.
[13:45] <Epic4Chris> Game good care than Toribash.
[13:46] <Muur> what game?
[13:46] <Epic4Chris> Any games.
[13:48] <Epic4Chris> Tell my clan.
[13:48] <Epic4Chris> I'm quit Toribash.
[13:49] <Epic4Chris> and I'm back Toribash in 5-10 mouth or Years.
[13:49] <Epic4Chris> Bye.
[13:49] <Epic4Chris> Glow
[13:49] <Epic4Chris> kyou
[13:49] <Epic4Chris> pika
[13:49] == Epic4Chris [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[13:49] <pika> HEY GUYS DO U KNO WUT TIME IT IS???
[13:49] <pika> !!!
[13:50] <@Glow> CHRIS
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Is he fo' realz?
»Glow|Clow|Kyou|E4C|Kingsta|Th0rn|MrTeapawt|May0|L astGod«

Really depressing.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
:( code:
[17:10] <@kyou> i quit toribash 
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
God dommot.
Who else will be sex at texturing not overly-complicated sets?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up