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Consoles and PC in 2011
PC gaming in 2011
January 27, 2011
Comments 26
As various pundits make their predictions for the year ahead, opinions will be sharply divided on the future of PC gaming.

Optimists will argue that the PC remains the home of significant innovation from indie developers.

PC gaming also continues to command significant revenue, with the likes of World of Warcraft at one end of the spectrum and the myriad of Facebook and other casual games at the other.

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The PC also has a robust and ever-growing digital distribution platform in Steam in addition to countless other content delivery mechanisms.

But pessimists will point out that the few PC games that are released by major publishers these days are typically lazy ports and there is precious little software variety. They will highlight that even once dominant genres like first-person shooters have all-but deserted the PC in favour of consoles.

If I asked Screen Play readers whether they are planning to upgrade their gaming PC or invest in a new gaming rig in 2011, I expect there would be few replying in the affirmative. Unfortunately, there are few compelling reasons to justify the expense.

It can be argued that the PC is now comfortably a generation ahead in terms of technology compared to the current generation consoles. Yet there is precious little software to show off that significant advantage that the latest PC hardware now has over the PS3 and Xbox 360.

It's hard to blame today's publishing heads for deserting the PC format. You need to deliver a game to the biggest possible audience when investing the significant sums required to make a current generation blockbuster game. That audience is now playing with a joypad in front of their televisions in their living room.

It's also hardly a situation that has only just recently occurred. It's now three years since the PC Gaming Alliance was formed by companies such as Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Dell and Activision to try to halt PC gaming's decline, and five years since Microsoft acknowledged that PC gaming had an image problem and released its Games for Windows branding.

It would seem that Microsoft would be one of the biggest beneficiaries of a resurgent PC gaming scene, but there are plenty of detractors keen to criticise Redmond for focusing their attention and resources on the Xbox 360 to the detriment of Windows gaming. The Games for Windows Live has been little short of a disaster.

As we gaze into our crystal balls to try to see what is ahead in 2011 and beyond, it is difficult to see any new advance that might significantly change PC gaming's fortunes.

I'm sure some PC games will despair, while others will simply shrug their shoulders and go back to enjoying Cataclysm and Minecraft.

How much of your gaming time in 2011 will be spent on the PC? Is there a game on the horizon that could encourage you to upgrade your PC? Let us know in the comments section below.


So, I just read the above article, which made me laugh quite a bit. PC gamers are currently enjoying cheaper games, on cheaper hardware, with better performance, and more flexibility.

PCs are already a generation (or 2) ahead of consoles, there is no need to upgrade. Consoles are literally running on 5 year old hardware. That's gotta hurt. And lazy console ports? I have an Xbox controller that I can use on my PC, problem? I can play the same dodgey console games as the consolers. Plus I can enjoy the everlasting indie fountains of glory and happyness.

It is funny to see some of the misconceptions that are out there; for example the author of the article (who is apparently an 'expert') thinks that PC gaming is in a decline, and that publishers are deserting PC.
There are very few console only games, and near infinite PC only games.
The author also mentions that there is 'precious little software to show off that significant advantage that the latest PC hardware now has over the PS3 and Xbox 360'. I think every PC gamer who read that laughed out loud. I have watched my bro play enough console games to find this hilarious.
There are very few console games that can reach parity.

So, another console vs PC war!
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Yeah, I think this guy may just perhaps be biased.
If you were to go compare say, Battlefield Bad Company 2 on Ultra graphics detail on PC to the same game on PS3/360 you would see a BIG difference.
And then there's the RTS genre which basically relies on having a mouse (and sometimes keyboard too), making it frustrating to play on a console where you have to manipulate analog sticks.
Online gaming is a big issue to compare too. Most PC games allow free access to their internet gaming service provided that you've done the small service of buying their game (With a few exceptions for the more greedy game companies *cough*WoW*cough*). This is similar on the PS3, but NOT on the 360. "Oh no, no internet gaming for you until you pay us even more money! Monthly! No exceptions!"
I for one would not pay even more money on top of my already high internet access fee just so I can play Xbox games with strangers.
Funnily enough Starcraft on the N64 was awesome, I prefer it over PC because it feel so gloriously oldschool!

Yes, I would not pay more for xbox live. I use my PS3 occasionally for online gaming, but really if you pay per month to use the internet on your console, then that is ALL you are ever going to play.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
just like paying per month for World of Warcraft or another mmo but honestly i would rather buy a ps3 over the 360 mainly for online gaming because it's free.

i don't like the idea of buying a game and having to pay monthly to play it online
You don't say?
We got a ps3 to see what all the hubba was about and I was disappointed. I have a gaming pc, of course, and compared to it the games looked like shit. FEAR even looked like it was running at like 30 or lower framerate. I haven't played it since, only for netflix and hd movies, but the rest of the family likes it.
Well the PS3 will look like crap in my experience unless you are using an HDMI cable and a nice tv, so if you weren't, that could be the problem.

Of course PC can and does look better. The games are being designed with the capabilities for that. Also, when was the last time you saw a console game with display settings and options like a PC game has?
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Of course, we got an hdtv, 46" 1080p and with the ps3 hdmi cable. No point in playing if you're not gonna see it in it's full quality. But then it'd probably look better on a shitty CRT tv since the graphics aren't good anyways. Also, when I say crap graphics, it's not that it looks horribly bad it's just annoying that I'm constantly thinking "Man, this would look so much better on my pc." or "This needs more AA, where the fuck my settings? OWAIT, CONSOLES :|"
PC -> console = disappointment
If you are a PC player you have effectively ruined your ability to be a dedicated console player. Of course, you can still enjoy it for fun with mates, but in the back of your mind you will still have that nagging call of PC superiority...

The thing is, once console gamers mature they switch to PC, consoles is just for the 'new player' market, who don't know any better.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
lol, pc gamers are disapearing XD

I also loved how he said that big titles were not being released for the pc.

What that one one craft game? it starts with like a star or something? arts and star craft 2 or something? I can't remember
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
starcraft 2?

what about it?
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."