Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[DSC] Smooth

It is description of personality.

-- "This Mod is gay."/"This Mod requires no skill."
-- "You're a noob."

[Smooth] members may hold these beliefs, but feel that any problems they have with toribash can be discussed on the forums and any doubt they have about the skill of new players can be held in their minds. In-game just isn't the place for rudeness and disagreement.

-- "Nice game"/"good game"/"good fight"/"gg"/etc.

These are essential. Even bad games should be handled in a polite manner, and this etiquette certainly makes matches more enjoyable and friendly. Good sportsmanship goes a long way!

Basically, [Smooth] members will not be rude. they will be smoooth. Calm, collected, and mature. Even if they aren't adults, they will conduct themselves as such towards others. This does not disallow joking. Jokes are fun. But there is a line between funny, and being an asshat (yes, that's right, asshat).

Skill is secondary in [Smooth]. Inexperienced members who fulfill the above requirements will be accepted, not dismissed as noobs, and will be taught to the fullest extent of the skill of other [Smooth] members. That said, here is a list of active members, and their positions in [Smooth].

Administration (those with organizational and recruiting abilities):
juggler422 - Leader
adam2046 - Co-Leader
leonrulz - Co-Leader

Others (those who spread our ideals and may suggest players for recruitment):

Please send me a private message if you're interested in joining, and I'll set up a time that I can play with you for a while and get to know you.

[Smooth] story:
Once upon a time in a far off land there lived a race of super-suave super ninja spy robots.

One day while taking a walk Lord Bartholomew noticed a large asteroid hurtling towards earth, the asteroid crashed to earth in a giant explosion of rainbows.

Lord B examined the crater it had left but discovered that it was in fact a super suave-super ninja spy spaceship. When Lord B went to touch the spaceship the hatch on it opened and an alien fell out.

Lord B took the alien back to his manor where he treated its wounds.

Over time the alien taught Lord B the way to be smooth.

Taking this ancient knowledge Lord B started a secretive guild of men (and women) who he taught the way of smooth.

Over the years this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation till it came to our glorious leader (the smoothest of them all).

Our leader now teaches the way to all those who accept.

IMPORTANT: If you ever notice any [Smooth] member flagrantly flaming or just generally being a poor sport when you play with them, toss me a private message or post here. This includes myself. Any members who do this will be up for consideration of being removed from [Smooth]. Thanks.

I'd really like input from people on this. I'm very serious about this and will be revising this post soon so it adheres to the stickys just a tad better. Again, any input you have is appreciated.
Last edited by juggler422; Mar 28, 2008 at 09:17 AM. Reason: story and formatting
may i join?
hey i just got rejected out of NO clan cause they all suck, so i was wondering if i could join smooth? it sounds like you guys are nice and to talk trash and thats what i like about a clan, so im just wondering, may i join your clan?
Nice comment on NO there. We are hand picking people now not taking

recruits and we get to know them first. Then vote. Coming in and bugging

us for 30 minutes does not get you in. Just to clarify for you. These guys seem to have something of that nature soo. yeah.

I like the concept. I've thought of such clan concepts in the past, but have never attempted to make anything of them. Building the clan and gaining a foothold might be a little difficult due to the requirements, but I wish you luck nonetheless.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Um Iceman, if someone came in and bugged me for 30 minutes I would never let them in. That would make them an annoying asshat. I set up times with people, and try to see them fight a few times, and get their personality. For the most part, I'm going to be finding people rather than taking apps. That way players can't pretend to be non-annoying for the sake of getting in the clan.

3vi1, thank you.