Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
This will be really hard to say :<
Ok, I have recently be searching around the official clan forums. Noticing how active some clans are compared to D-VII.

I thought that I would stay in D-VII for the rest of my tb carea. I guess not.
I Have decided to quit Deadly Seven for good. I'm really, really sorry. D-VII is'nt active enough on the fourms.

I will be in the clan picture. I will be handling the clan picture request. I will not be in the clan video.

You guys will have to decide who will be the other forum mod. If you guys ever want another logo or any sort of art I will definitly make it. If you ever need help will anything, call me.

It has been a fun time being in this clan and I will never ever forget any of you. :s
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
:O we are really active meh we are only7memberswich clan is more active then us? if u allready decided then im really sad its another great lost to us =/ ong takuan and u meh this is bad =/ anyways gl in ur new way and i hope u will find a ncie clan to stay in.

and i can manage the clan pic thread etc if u wanna.
^It's cool, I'll handle the thread. The only people that are active in D-VII is you, xhiba akuma and me....
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
dev is active XD too swex is kinda active and yeah izno isnt but we all know thet he said to ong thet he wont be so acive etc so we like 5 of 7 wich active wich is preety much good :O
Awwww!!!! DDDD:

I'm really sad that you are leaving =(
but we cant make you stay, so gl with your new clan and stuff D

Punisher can be the other forum mod I think =)
he is "ub3r" active xDD

if clan is not too much active thats not bad ;p

"...You seem to forget that I am married, and the one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties. I never know where my wife is, and my wife never knows what I am doing. When we meet -- we do meet occasionally, when we dine out together, or go down to the Duke's -- we tell each other the most absurd stories with the most serious faces. My wife is very good at it -- much better, in fact, than I am. She never gets confused over her dates, and I always do. But when she does find me out, she makes no row at all. I sometimes wish she would; but she merely laughs at me."
~ picture of dorian gray

clan is like marriage dude ;p
sad stuff. you were very active and appreciated WarMedic, not nice to lose ya. but no worries. i wont think any worse of you, personallly.
c you around

snake, you old romantic. nice quote