Original Post
Snow in the Midwest/East
Holy crap is it coming down where I live. And from what I've heard, Washington DC may be getting another foot or two today. Where do you live and is it snowing like it is here?
(and yes, I'm out of school, of course)
Originally Posted by Shiko View Post
I live in EGYPT! It would be a miracle if there was snow in Egypt!

Yeah dude not gonna happen,I'm in Lebanon,it actually snowed a bit today but in the mountains,snow all day of course :P
Wow your next to my country. How surprising :P. Althoguh it did snow for like only 10 minutes before in Egypt, but that was in the Seinna Mountain...
I am in Ohio, north-east Ohio to be exactish. We got a whole lot of snow and now we are supposed to get another foot or two tonight, so about 3-4 feet total by tomorrow...yay :|

Originally Posted by william405 View Post
Yeah dude not gonna happen,I'm in Lebanon,it actually snowed a bit today but in the mountains,snow all day of course :P

Woot! I'm half Lebanese. One of these days I want to go see what you guys have going over there :P from what I have seen it is beautiful when not bothered by war.
Last edited by deady; Feb 9, 2010 at 10:47 PM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I'm in Delaware and over the weekend we got like 2 feet. We actually set a new record. were supposed to get another 6-8 inches by tomorrow
It was so blizzardy today that our school was almost cancelled school, but none of it settled, the ground was to warm, any colder and we would be like 8 feet under o_O
Something about busses:D
Holland is pathetic, the whole country is in great disorder when there's 2 inches of snow. That's mainly because ( here it comes, don't laugh at us ) trains don't drive because the tracks are frozen. Generally they're warmed electrically, but here they do it with a burner. On gas. So we need a small flame that's permenantly on so the gas can ignite. So everytime it rains/snows, a dude from the ns ( train organisation) needs to go past all those tracks to relight the flames.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
my school got out early friday and has been canceled today and yesterday.

I'm anticipating a call in a while from the school canceling tomorrow