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Bioshock 2
Bioshock 2

Available: February 9, 2010
Platform: Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
Players: Single player story, Mulitplayer online play
2k games
Engin: Unreal Engine 2.5
Developer: 2K Marin, 2K Australia
ESRB Rating: M

Bioshock 2 is a horror FPS, and takes place on new years eve 10 years after the events in bioshock 1 in the city of Rapture. On the new years eve a prototype big daddy (you) re-activates and is on a misson to find his little sister, which is connected to him. Alot has changed since the first game and a new lady has taken over (Sofia Lamb) and a new breed of enemy has come (the big sisters).

Set on New Years Eve, 1970, ten years after bioshock 1. Raputure is now under controll of a woman named Sofia Lamb, whos ideas of human progression contrasts with the citys founder Andrew Ryan. During sofia's rule, a "Big sister", a former little sister oufitted with Big daddy like armor has started capturing little girls across the coastline and is turning them into big sisters. Altho the original big sister has disappeared, leaving the other big sister to be employed by Sofia to keep order in rapture. On New Years Eve, the prototype Big Daddy from the original production lines, who is known as Subject Delta, re-activates with no recollection of what's happened in the past ten years. After scouring the city in a vain attempt to find the Little Sister he was originally paired with, he comes into conflict with Lamb, who is also looking for this Little Sister (since the Little Sister is actually Lamb's daughter, Eleanor Lamb). This leads him to form an uneasy partnership with Doctor Tenenbaum and the former CEO of the plasmid company, Sinclair Solutions, Augustus Sinclair, to ultimately defeat Lamb and find Eleanor so Delta can fulfill his original duties.

  • New weapons such as the Railgun, Drill and the Gatling gun.
  • Plasmids make a come back, even more powerful then ever before.
  • New Multiplayer action


Sorry Malvado if there is already a thread about this

Got to give credit to Drakhir, i use his layout. Sorry if that not cool
Last edited by Paralyzer; Jan 10, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I think this will be a good game.

I do belive, you are right good sir..

I loved the first bioshock, gameplay was awesome..
Cant wait for this one to come out..
Hmmm multiplayer?

That will be fun since it wasn't in the first one o:

Can you give more detail into the multiplayer for me though?

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Taken from the bioshock 2 wiki:
BioShock 2 will feature a story driven Multiplayer mode where the player takes on the role of a citizen of Rapture. Set in 1959 (one year before the events of BioShock), the player chooses to take on the role of a citizen fighting in Rapture's Civil War. The player is being sponsored by Plasmid manufacturer, Sinclair Solutions, to test out their weapons, Plasmids, and Tonics in a consumer reward program. As you progress through the multiplayer experience your character will unlock new weapons and Plasmids, provided by Sinclair, as well as progress the story of the Rapture Civil War.[12]
The player can choose between 6 characters to be their in game avatar. The characters are: a welder named Jacob Norris, a housewife named Barbara Johnson, a football star named Danny Wilkins, a businessman name Buck Raleigh, a pilot named Naledi Atkins, and an Indian mystic named Suresh Sheti. Two additional characters are available only by pre-ordering the game from GameStop or EB Games: a fisherman named Zigo d'Acosta and an actress named Mlle Blanche de Glace.[13] As your character levels up and progresses through the multiplayer story their appearance will become more and more deformed due to splicing.
Multiplayer will come in 5 different modes, two of which have a single and team based mode.[14] The modes are:
  • Survival of the Fittest: A 'free-for-all' mode where each player gets points for killing each of the other players. Whichever player has the most kills at the end of the match wins.
  • Civil War: Similar to 'Survival of the Fittest,' but in this mode players are divided into two teams and the team with the most collective kills at the end of the match wins.
  • Last Splicer Standing: A variation of 'Survival of the Fittest' where the player does not respawn after being killed. The last player alive at the end of the match is the winner.
  • Capture the Sister: A 'Capture the Flag' style mode where players are divided into two teams. One team has to protect a Little Sister while the other team tries to steal her and place her in a vent on the other side of the map. After a pre-determined amount of time, the teams switch roles. Whichever team has the most captures at the end of the match wins.
  • ADAM Grab: In this mode there is one Little Sister on the map and the player must seek her out and maintain possession of her as long as possible. Whoever has held onto the Sister longest at the end of the match wins.
  • Team ADAM Grab: A variant of 'ADAM Grab' where players are divided into two teams. The objective is the same, but victory is determined by a collective score rather than individual scores.
  • Turf War: Players are split into two teams and each team must reach pre-determined points on the map to capture that point. The team with the most control points over the longest time wins.
In all modes except 'Capture the Sister' a Big Daddy suit will spawn at a random location in the level. If a player can find the suit, the choice is given to become the Big Daddy, which will give the player greater strength and endurance, but prohibits the use of plasmids. Once the Big Daddy is defeated, the suit disappears and is moved to another location on the map. In 'Capture the Sister' one member of the defending team is chosen at Random to be the Big Daddy.[15]
Last edited by Paralyzer; Jan 9, 2010 at 01:26 AM.
wow i want this game, i played bioshock 1 for the first time yesterday and it was so fun.
i got scared though ):
Yeah when i first played through it i had a few jumpy moments but after a while you get use to them, The second one is ment to be wayy scaryer.
Looks like sex, getting for the PS3 :3

How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Big daddys are cool, Im really looking forward to the new Plasmids and weapons. Now insted of just a fireball when you use the fire plasmid you can upgrade it to shoot a flamethrower, this goes with all plasmids. Also having a drill is going to be awesome. One thing, you know how you get a big daddy suit in the first bioshock, the missions when you need keep them alive for a set time. I really hope they dont add them, they sucked balls