Original Post
[Omega]Questions & Ideas
So i know i am new but i think we have to get a question&ideas thread and should write here questions and ideas.

- Dont spamm here! Only questions ideas and answers!
Last edited by Cobra; Sep 5, 2009 at 05:41 PM.
the clan vid is already being made, if u have any replays post it in the replays thread
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
do a skatebored video XD
i can do tricks lke rutz and stuff

hey art can i make a clan tourneys i did it in my other clans

really fun
Last edited by sagimeir2; Sep 6, 2009 at 01:57 PM.
We've already had one informal clan tourney, but we could have a timetable for tourneys, like one every week or something.
Quit, probably.
Hey how about an omega fundraiser for clan members like me who can't really get tc anymore
Lol i have an idea: We Delete all Threads like: Congratz! or i wanna join! or Hi!! that are just spamming threads and we realy dont need them right?
nope what we need to do is to not sticky every thread I mean like less people are going 2 be making threads for example i have question then when i am about to make i see a question and idea thread. Also most likely the post is going 2 be ignored by people.

Ps. If you make your own thread is going to be a 1 question thread not a 100 question thread.

Pss. Admins don't put anything on my post or else.

O yeh don't take it personally art and other admins *wink*

Ok no editing. Oh crap too late ~ BirdFlu
Last edited by BirdFlu; Sep 7, 2009 at 08:15 PM.
hehe ok be that way.

o birdflu you suck bb [Omega]

And that means I quit...
Last edited by Master11; Sep 7, 2009 at 08:24 PM.