Original Post
Hey, Its warbanana
My main account is permantlly banned.
No chance in getting it back.

I didnt do anything. I was playing in a server and the description had farming in it. We were playing wushu. But right after i got unbanned the first time, i put "I survived a perma ban" I was bragging. And apparentlly that got my account perma banned again.

So, its you guys' choice to let me stay in the clan.
If i do ill continue playing.

Start a new account.

Idea's for names?
I think he should stay.
He is still our mate and he has a logical reason to stay.
So I'd be happy to keep you in the clan.
In truth he was custom,and under 20 in rank.So,for me,you have lose even too much,and dont need to lose the clan too.
For me you can stay
Btw i like BananaSplit
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
ow you banan...

glad u don't leave this game and you still with us...
need to work belt up again...
ow well
gotta go fast