Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Omega] Inactivity and Leaving thread

This is very self-explanatory. If you are going to be inactive for more than 5 days, please post here. I know that sometimes we all get busy or things come up and dont post for a few days.

(1) Post here to let us know you are going to be inactive
(2) Give a reason why if its not too personal
Last edited by Ruadhan; Jun 13, 2010 at 02:32 AM.
il be inactive for 2 days

on holidays

and arterial click in my signature link it has some of my good replays
Ill be out off the forums and from the Game for 8 days.

Reason: The place where im going on vacations doesn't have an good internet connection
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Hey. From Monday afternoon/evening (01-09-09) to Thrsday (10-09-09) I'm going on vacation to Allgarve

I didn't wanted to go cuz I don't have Internet there
Hey. I'm going to start school and I only have weekends and a lil bit of hte end of the day to play. Ill see u tomorrow. Bye.
Originally Posted by TBashed View Post
Hey. I'm going to start school and I only have weekends and a lil bit of hte end of the day to play. Ill see u tomorrow. Bye.

Same problem with me, from now on, just end of the days and weekends.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.