Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[WIP]Crysis Head
Okay so my largest hurdle here is to make the proportions better and more accurate than my halo head, which, while looking good ingame, could use more accuracy in the back.

So, I've spent about 80 minutes on the outline and visor so far.

I still need shots of the top of the head and the sides.

Also I'm worried on making the hexagon patterns.

Should I use a copy paste texture? Just the pattern, not the actual parts. But I don't know how to generate such regularity from making it by hand, so I need suggestions.

My idea is to copy paste a hexagon texture and dudge/burn the thing into the ridges on the back of the head.

I also need a good hi res front view.

Well so far this is what I have.

I had to mess a while to get the proportions mostly right.

Getting ingame shots is also very difficult since there isn't really a way to go to third person like there is in halo.


Should I make the visor larger?

I really want to make this as perfect as possible








Last edited by DarkJak; Sep 17, 2009 at 11:32 PM.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
visor is perfect, and its hard to comment on WIP >_>

so keep going
(i would say more, but i didnt read your post(too long D)
I agree visor is perfect. I can't wait to see how it turns out
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"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
For the Hexagon Pattern: Create a new file, in the size you want the pattern, Draw the hexagon in it, ctrl+a, ctrl+c

Then on the head, select the part you want patternd, use fill and select the ctrl+v.

Looks pretty good so far!

Looking good d('_')b
Like joey said, use patterns, but then make sure you either stick the layer mode as dodge/burn, or maybe overlay, to get the right feeling. myself, id say dodge :P
umm the visor is a great size but you have made it look flat or even indenting but putting the dark in the middle and the light on the outside.... unless you wanted this effect then idk...

for the hexagons you could maby make one and then just c+p them
Live in the Moment
I could get you screenys if I reinstall the game...

Right now I think the visor is the right size, you also got the band and everything well done also. The hexagon pattern might blur and look kinda messy is what my biggest fear is. But so far, this is going to look great. Is it just going to be the head....Or you going all the way with a crysis set?
Actually I got a new computer that can do shaders now \o/ (and run crysis on high lol)
thanks so much for the offer though! I wouldve needed it a few weeks ago :]

I've finished the front metal mask part. It took a really long time. I also made it longer vertically. Internet wasn't working at home, even my phone couldn't connect, so I wasn't able to post it, sorry. But I'm really proud of the shading I did today and I'm seriously thinking of Bumpmapping it.

Well this is the most ice wanted to make a set since robomohawks req. Which means probably yes. What is different is now I have a great model to base it off of =) there's even a hires version of the nano suit I can dl if I really wantto gothat far.

My original reply didn't post since 3G was messed up at my house today to sum it up:

Thanks for the feedback!

well the nonmetal parts of the armor are all made of a honeycomb pattern which parobably is too small for 256^2 but it could be enlarged. So I'll draw one of those and just keep pasting it onto the same layer?

Yeah the visor is a bit messed up right now, but I'm hoping it's because there isn't the metal part shaded in to force it into place. Right now it's like it's popping out, but hopefully, once the eye sees that the edges of the metal are not, then the visor would look like it's supposed to, flat against the surface.

I shaded it that way cause in the game, the sides has a sort of glow. Inconvenient, but I gotta at least try.

:End of post

I've edited the look of the visor so that a red glow wraps aground the whole thing. Looks better now, be it due to the metal around it or the new shading or both.

Gonna try to get screens of the top and front next.

Updated version will be edited in asap

Thank you so much for your help guys! :')
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]

Shaded the band too, in addition to the previously described changes.

Gonna work on the ear cover next.

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]