Original Post
rly thinking about leaving
hmm ive been thinking about leaving phoenix and toribash pretty much with it
im very inactive ingame and on the clan board because i somehow dont get any fun out of tb anymore xD
phoenix is the string that holds me at least a bit to tb ^^
i wont get more active that fast anyway ^^
i know that most of you just would like me to stay for the clan pic and after i did it i could just go xD
and so i have to say something to the pic :-O
as im not very active ive lost the hand of the thread because somehow many ppl spammed and didnt pose correctly
so i wa told that the poses would come into the first post
i said ill make the pic when at least 10 poses are there because otherwhise it wont have any sense
so the clan pic is a fail atm im very inactive and no use to the clan
id like to know if you want me to leave if you dont mind or if you want to keep me here
and pls say why
member of phoenix
Well, don't leave phoenix + toribash.
You should become more active in time and you will start to have more fun..
because of my private matters thank you very much xD
well actually i have a nice life and i get involved it some contests (not only grafic design contests)
if i have time i dont play tb because i somehow dont get any fun out of it anymore
its rly a problem in tb that so many ppl are arrogant assholes that also ruins the fun partly
atm its the summer holidays and i was gone for 2 weeks and now english relatives are here whome i see about once in 2 years ^^ then about a week later ill be gone for 2 weeks again ^^
ive allerady lost the hang of the clan and lost all my tb skills probably if i would play tb again activly i would make a new account probably
i could ask you the same question a little different
why do you have time for tb?
member of phoenix