Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
After Ski (Carlsberg)
ya lulz, i made this thread so u guys can stay of the sticky thread and talk about stuff here THIS IS NOT A SPAM THREAD
k here u can make up stories about ure toribash acc as i did in application thread (lol broke rules myself)
send screen shots of u, so we might put ure picture in members list next to ure name (or under) i mean i made this couse u can't chit chat about funny stuff in important threads
talk about whatever u want but no spamming

Plz rank this post/thread
Last edited by plomaster2; Apr 14, 2009 at 01:35 PM.
Pointless signatures are written in white.
ok i have a story on how dtwonfire was born

it was a cloudy night and dtw and his parents lived in a bad nebourhood. one night while his parents were away dtw went to sleep early.next thing he saw was bright lights and screaming.
he and his parents house was being burned to the ground by mad men who wanted him dead. DTW died but he arose as a new form as dtwonfire and he took revenge on all that did that to him and his famaly and that day is BURNED INTO HIS MEMORY FOREVER.

hope u guys liked it
Last edited by dtwonfire; Apr 3, 2009 at 05:59 AM.
heres how I broke my arm. ths story is true. I was like 1 year old.

I was watching tv and, I fell of the couch
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
F*** That was funny ivolt!
Good 1 i kno it's thrue story but i started ROFL xD
funnyies post so far! thx ivolt

My avatar, lolz click to see it better!
Last edited by plomaster2; Apr 3, 2009 at 07:57 PM.
Pointless signatures are written in white.
i got a story that sucks
once there was a duel me and a guy named bomb we made the bet 500 tc ( i was so poor and still am) . then we fought and it was a big fail for me but it was best 2 /3 so i lost the first match then i did my counter trick and mopped the floor with him. so now it was even then i copped his move and it ended up being a draw. then the final match i did my heli strike and won!!!!! (this is a true story)
i broke my both arms twice
i feel like ... i dont now , rare and every time i woke up in the morning i felt in the floor
lol I know but I was just a little baby.

still funny as hell xD
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say