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League Information and Rules
This thread is for anyone who would like to help or provide opinions about how I should go about the league (I wouldn't like the plan to crumble).

League Handling Ideas

The plan is to have a league of 25-50 players in each division. The three divisions would be Heavyweight,Middleweight and Lightweight.

To avoid confusion over playing times, A "fight contract" system would be used. 3 people (The two fighters and the Referee/GK) would agree to :

1. A Fighting Time

2. Number of Rounds (3-5)

3. Type of Match (a ranking match or a betting match)

4. Prize for winning the match

This would avoid conflict over timezones amongst the 3 participators. After a certain amount of months, the top 2 fighters would be able to compete for a championship bout. This fight would be very long (10-12 rounds) and have a big prize involved. After that, the "champion" would be able to accept "title bouts" from the top 10 ranked fighters.

Fighters can decline matches as well as "disable" their ranking (See Below). You can't disable your account if you're in the Top 5 Fighters of that division and you can't decline a championship offer or else you fall to rank 3.

(Refs also have the power to decline matches like the boxers but if a ref declines 3 matches in a row, he is kicked from the committee unless there is a valid reason.)

Also, if there is a situation where a fighter's account is hacked and someone is playing in the league for him, he can send any Ref a PM describing the situation and we'll disable his ranking which means he can't gain or lose ranking on the ladder and fighters must battle around him.

There will be some "static rules" such as:

No Kicking

No Punching on the First Turn (only for Heavyweight and Lightweight

No Noob Clapping

and some "special rules" that the players could decide to use such as:

An automatic win(TKO) if the person reaches over 100000 points or gives the opponent 5 fractures in a round

Automatic Knockout if a single punch amounts to over 60000 points

The "3 knockdown" Rule where if anything other than your hands or feet touches the ground 3 times throughout the fight, you automatically lose


This was suggested by Juntalis (I believe) where in real boxing bouts, the judges would keep scorecards throughout the fight. If we used this, we could give point penalties through disorderly conduct instead of automatic disqualification from the match. It would keep the match very interesting because it might force one person to go for the TKO/KO in order to win the match. It would also be interesting to witness the suspense of just losing by a "split decision" or the total pwnage from an "unanimous decision"

League Entry

The plan for this is that we have multiple fighters starting in 1-3 middleweight servers at the beginning of the entry process. We examine each fighter's boxing ability and send them to a division that we think will suit them the greatest(If they don't like that particular division, they can return at any time). Once everyone is comfortable in their designated division, we will have a knockout comp in each bodytype to determine what each boxers starting rank will be in the league(if you get knocked out first, you start last and if you win the comp, you start No. 1 in the division). After 5 matches by whoever is ranked 1st or 2nd in the division, they will be able to fight for the championship. Also, if we don't have enough people in each division, we'll take applications at a first come first serve basis.

Post Feedback or Opinions about the League
Last edited by Smilies2; Jan 25, 2009 at 05:18 PM.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out