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Fl0w mod
I see a lot of talk about striking mods and wushu going on...why dont we make a good competitive mod for all to enjoy.

Wushu for me is to floaty. To slow and to hard to get a good kick or punch.

The topic of this threa is to give say what settings would the ideal mod have for you.

I will start and state what my ideal mod would be.

So. For me it would be:

Dojo based mod

Walls or half walls surrounding the dojo

30 or 40 go with 40. 50 is to much imo

1000-1200 mf i like it long

Dq timeout...i just love a dq timeout. 40 frames seems nice. With 30 you just dq to often

Ed. I love a ed thet cant be used for openers. So most of it improv. I mean no 1 move hits and no croutching down like a bitch and waiting for the other to come. Something resonable. Not sure about this part...

Dm threshold should be like lenshu. Rk is random and you get stupid dms

Gravity. I like rk gravity. Lenshu is harder to comeback. Wushu is to floaty and you get stuc in the air.

What are your choises guys?

Score... I dont rlly care about pointsystems...but i like big numbers. Also i like the kicks to legs to give me points. Everything i land id like to give points
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