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Farcry Primal
Farcry Primal

Farcry Primal is an Ubisoft game. The game is held in Europe, but with the twist of being in the Stone Age, and it follows the character Takkar, a member of the Wenja tribes who loses most of his kin. He must find the remaining Wenja, and provide a new home for the nearly extinct people. It is a HIGHLY survival based game. There are mammoths, sabertooth cats, and a variety of other deadly predators trying to kill you. However, the wild is the least of your worries. While you are trying survive and build a village for your people, there are other tribes trying to destroy you, and everything you have built.

The character, Takkar, is in danger almost everywhere he goes that is outside of his village. One of the threats that he constantly faces is the wildlife. When you are sitting around trying to be stealthy, be aware of your surroundings. You never know when a wolf or a cave lion will start getting peckish. You also must worry about venomous snakes, and the not-so-threatening badger. However, the wildlife has its benefits. If you should survive these attacks, you may skin the slain animals for food and furs.

Your next threat are the other clans. I will not go into too much detail about them as they are very story driven. They are the Udam and Izila. Udam are called flesh eaters. They hunt and eat animals as well as other human beings. The Izila are referred to as Sun-Walkers, but that is all of the information that I can give about them to avoid spoilers. While you are in danger of being eaten by animals, humans are another one of your concerns. If you see another human, chances are that they want to bash your skull in and eat your flesh, or burn you alive. Just watch your back, and keep your limbs attached.

The biggest threat in the game would definitely be the need for nutrition, warmth, and protection. You must loot every body, and skin every animal you come across. You will most likely get food for every animal you skin. If you skin the correct animal you can craft clothes that will help you survive the cold lands to the north. Protection is vital as well. You will want to make sure that you have weapons as often as you check your food supply. Almost everything is wanting to kill you, so make sure that there is always a weapon at your side when exploring.

When fighting for survival like this you will most definitely need allies. Throughout the game are people who will assist you in advancing your technology. They will give you a variety of bombs, spears, clubs, etc... However, people who remain at your village through the entire game and do not follow you around are not very useful outside of the village. Instead, you are able to tame one of each predator to follow you around, and protect you from the everything deadly in the wilderness. Some of the animals are powerful, others are not so powerful. Just remember to select the perfect animal companion, and you will be all right.

Hope that you all enjoyed reading! Keep in mind that this is one of my favorite games, and I just want to get other peoples opinions on the game. I highly recommend that you play it if you are really into a story driven survival game. Thank you for reading, and I will see you all In-Game!
Last edited by Dylan4000; Jan 23, 2017 at 03:38 AM.