Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Undead] Portuguese for english guys!

Hello guys, i'm here to teach you how to speak brazilian portuguese.

Why portuguese brazilian? Because there is Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil, which we speak in Undead Clan.

Before we start you may know: My english is not perfect, so i hope you understand me xD

As you may know, Undead was a full brazilian clan, and now we have some english members, so to improve our comunication im creating this Tutorial to teach you a bit of brazilian portuguese. Lets go!
*Check "Most common words" at the bottom of the page to learn more! ;)

Lesson 1: "You see your friend"

*Dont worry about putting the accent if you cant, we can understand the same way.


Yoda say: Oi (Hi)
You say: Oi / olá / eai (Hi, hello) also: "eai" is mostly frequently used but is a casual way
Yoda say: Tudo bem? / Como vai? / Eai beleza? (How are you, Hows going, What's up)
You say: Estou bem (i'm fine) also: "to bem" is a mostly frequent used but is casual way
Yoda say: Legal (nice)
You say: O que você está fazendo? (What are you doing?)
Yoda say: Estou ouvindo música, e você? (I'm listening to music and you?)
You say: Eu também! (Me too!)
Yoda say: Vamos jogar? (Lets play?)
You say: Claro / Sim (Sure, Yes)

Lesson 2: "You are playing"
*Check the previous lesson


You say: Ei Yoda, vamos jogar ABD? (Hey Yoda, lets play ABD?)
Yoda say: Sim!
*you beat yoda*
Yoda say: Bom jogo! (Good game!)
You say: Bom jogo. (Good game)
Yoda say: Você é bom. (You are good)
You say: Obrigado (Thanks)
Yoda say: Eu preciso ir, até logo! (I need to go, see you later!)
You say: Tchau (Bye, good bye)

Lesson 3: "English please"

*Check the previous lessons


*Chewbacca entrou na sala.* (Chewbacca enters the room)
Yoda say: Eai Chew o/
You say: Oi
Chewbacca say: Oiii
Yoda say: Como vai Chew? / Como você está Chew?
Chewbacca say: To bem, e você? (remember: "to" is "Estou" in a casual way)
Yoda say: To bem.
Yoda say: Ei vocês querem que eu troque o modo? (Hey,
do you want me to change the mode?) But you can also see: "troque o modo" or "troca o modo" that is the same thing.
You say: Você pode falar isso em inglês por favor? (or you can just say: "Inglês por favor" and we can understand in the same way)
Yoda say:
Do you want me to change the mode?
You say: Sim
Chewbacca say: Sim! Mude para Ninjutsu! (Yes, change to Ninjutsu!) Looks like Chew enjoy ninjutsu lol

Chewbacca say: Wuuuur arrr arf

Lesson 4: n/a

Most common words.
(and their abbreviation if they have)

You use abbreviations if you want*


Hi = Oi/Olá/Eai
You = Você (vc) also: "ce"
is a spoken form in a certain region of Brazil, so maybe you see someone saying that way.
Me (I) = Eu.
Sup = Como vai/Tudo bem? ("tudo" has "td" as abbreviation, so you can see "td bem")
Fine = Bem.
How are you = Como você está? ("está" has "ta" as abbreviation)
Good = Bom.
Friend = Amigo.
Bad = Ruim.
Please = Por favor. (pfv)
And = e.
For = para/pra.
Yes = Sim. (s)
No/Not = Não. (n)
Thanks = Obrigado. ("obrigado" has "obg" as abbreviation)
Game = Jogo.
Mod = Modo.
Bye: Tchau/Good bye.

Clan board

Rules = Regras.
Brazil = Brasil.
Group = Grupo.
Brazilian = Brasileiro(a).
Members = Membros.
Allies = Aliados.

I hope that you enjoyed, it's a basic but now you can understand something in brazilian portuguese :]
Please, if you want to know anything just tell me and i'll add.

Glad to help

Last edited by Yoda; Apr 24, 2017 at 08:36 PM.