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Hey everyone
Hi ultimate,

So this may come off as a little random to you guys but Beta asked me to join awhile back and I said yes just last night. I just want to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me just to clear the air.

Firstly, i joined back in 09 and was very active. I played with a lot of the people that are considered legends today such as moop, ern, nirs, fnugget, and bunch of others. I go to school full time and full time so my time is limited but I'll try to remain as active as possible. I also am currently a trial gm so my plate is pretty full right now. I'm also on irc a lot so you guys can hit me up there as well as in game.

If you guys wanna get in game and play let me know.

[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me