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[S][B]Slip's Shop
Ermagherd catchy name :O
Welcome, to

Now Selling!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my market-place.

On this thread, you can sell the following items:
-Textures(any size)

And buy any items located here: Click it :|
Selling the Full 128 as a whole, any textures in the "Textures" set will be sold seperately

Here are my rules and regulations:

When buying:
-Write a post telling which item(s) you would like to purchase, along with a base-price. Be sure to include how much you are willing to pay, because I won't be making any starting offers.
-Be willing to haggle your price. I will almost never accept your base offer.

When selling:
-Write a post telling which item(s) you would like to sell, along with a base-price. Make certain that you are specific on which items. I will not be checking anyone's inventory other than to verify that they have the items they are attempting to sell.
-Be willing to haggle your price. This is a market; and for me, profit comes before all else.
(Be aware, that if you do not adhere to these guidelines your post will be ignored, and in severe cases, reported)

I will also be selling TC to any interested parties, at a rate of 11k per USD. Keep all requests or questions about buying TC to PMs

For your convenience, here is a link to my current Qi and TC: Click it :|

And please, please, ples plz pl0x

Happy shopping
Last edited by slippery6; Mar 2, 2013 at 11:08 PM.
Selling TC. PM me for sweet deals♪
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