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[Obey] Checklist
This thread will be for anything that this clan hopes to achieve soon, not anything like "be in the top 5 clans." This is more like "make a clan video", or "get a new clan banner". Then, once we are done with it, this post will be edited and it will say "Completed" or something. But if our clan does get to like top five or something, it can be edited to say "Make it to top five clans (Completed)."
This is similar to what Hattersin requested here:
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
I talked about this before somewhere and no one answered but i want to make a thread where we post everything we've done in obey. Such as clan vids, mini vids, art, banners (you get the idea)


Any moderator of the clan board can edit this thread, delete all this, and write in some goals or achievements.