Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Clan Story :3
Clan Story

Twilight is the light you see at dawn, scattered around the floor, blocked out by trees. We are Twilightians, Hunters of the fleshies. As our race grew, our technology grew, the twilight held us back to only hunt in the morning, but only so many fleshies were out. The technology became advanced, so much so, that we turned twilight into a portable substance. We had cannisters around our waist belts, connected by tubes to our body. The twilight substance gave us the power, the power to become camouflaged. Twilightians stormed the great concrete jungle known as the fleshies civilization. What we hunted was the fleshies, but they held our food, the soul. The soul is part of the twilight, it emits twilight. We feed upon the twilight.

Nightmare, the Leader of the Twilightians, had arisen. The day of Moongrul had arrived. Moongrul was our day of Fleshy Hunting. Nightmare gathered the twilight on the floor into the belt cannisters, engaged the Twilight Injection Process (TIP) and stepped onto freshly cut grass. He ran across the fields at tremendous speeds, reaching speeds of 100mph. At once he was at the concrete jungle. He kicked in TIP's Camouflage Process and scaled a building, with his feet. He scouted the area for fleshies. There were many fleshies, doing no good. There was a dark alley underneath Nightmare. There were two fleshies exchanging what looked like white grass. (Weird fleshies) On that thought Nightmare pondered, but there was no time, the fleshies were shaking hands. Nightmare lunged at the fleshies, He stuck his twilightian blade into the fleshies, it went straight through the first fleshy, and into the other fleshies heart. Nightmare quickly ravaged there bodys, and suddenly, yellow balls of mass energy came out of the bodys, the souls. Nightmare quickly took the souls into another container for the souls, Then Nightmare went up to another building, Waiting for more victims..

Nightmare waited, and sure enough, more fleshies were on the move. Nightmare yelled on a low pitch frequency only heard by Twilightian ears, calling for backup. In the field were the twilight was cast over the light, green grass, more twilightians arose. Nemesis5 emerged from the twilight, dripping the liquidized power source known as twilight, and so followed the rest of THE5. Hypnox was the next, his lavish blue hair, radiating pure energy protruded from the Twilight. Next was Rockstorm, his sleek physique raised up from the ground. Trox the last of THE5 came out of the twilight, flexing his muscles as he rose. Lastly, was IcyPants, the elite mercenary Twilightian. At once, We called out to Nightmare, and shot off, faster than a speeding bullet, heading in Nightmares direction.

We scaled the building that nightmare was on, Flipping off the wall into the other building and back, skillfully mastering acrobatics came in handy sometimes. We crouched down, engaging TIP Camoflauge.

"Nightmare, whats the situation" IcyPants asked.
"Perfect, I killed 2 fleshies, look down there" Hypnox looked down. The fleshies are very unsuspecting, easy kills bore me a little though"
"Nightmare look, a bus" said Nemesis.
"You know what this calls for" said Nightmare
"Oh boy!" Said Trox
"Initiate Twilight formation" Commanded Nightmare
We took our stance, Hypnox Standing firm, Nightmare on his shoulders. This was no ordinary stance, this was the Grakal team jump, capable of reaching any distance. It worked by, the person underneath ran and jumped, the person on top would grab there hands flip, and go under them, and this would repeat until that person got tired, which wouldn't happen until we went around earth 3 times with 6 people.

We Grakal jumped to the bus, and crashed in through the drivers window. Fleshies were screaming, the driver slammed on the brakes, this didn't stop us. Nightmare slashed at the driver through the metal, decapitating him. We ran from the drivers section to the back, holding out our dual blades, slicing everyone in the bus, Hypnox kicked the Fleshie at the back in the stomach, and keeping his foot in his stomache flipped up and kicked him in the head. After all Fleshies was killed, the bus started to glow, souls raised up from the bloody mess of the bus, Nightmare collected the souls, put them in his container and jumped out the bus, destroying the front of the bus because of the power in twilightian feet, VeroX and The5 followed... Waiting for more victims...

-Written By VeroX

EDIT: My name is now VeroX , so all IcyPants = VeroX
Last edited by VeroX; Aug 6, 2008 at 01:50 PM.